The Seven Universal Laws (#2 Will Blow Your Mind!)

universal laws

Universal laws are a bit obscure throughout various teachings and spiritual communities. These laws are also known as hermetic principles, which originated in ancient Egypt. A text of alchemy, astrology, and theurgy written by Hermes Trismegistus, associate with the god Thot in ancient Egypt and the god Hermes in ancient Greece. The most exciting thing I can say about these laws is that they are inherent in each of us. As above, so below. When we wake up to the reality of these laws, we realize how deeply they can influence every aspect of our daily life. Integrating all seven Universal laws, not merely analyzing them, gives us power over this plane of existence by creating what we want and when we want it. It means having the keys to co-create a new reality and take conscious control over our destiny.


“We are what we think. All that we are arises with our thoughts. With our thoughts we make the world”


universal laws

So this is where it all begins. The mind! If you read The Secret or study the law of attraction, you are probably already familiar with this concept. It’s about practicing positive thinking or focusing on what you want rather than what you don’t want or don’t have because it will indeed create an unintended reality. It also reminds me of Gandhi’s statement about thoughts: “Carefully watch your thoughts, for they become your words. Manage and watch your words, for they will become your actions. Consider and judge your actions, for they have become your habits. Acknowledge and watch your habits, for they shall become your values. Understand and embrace your values, for they become your destiny”.

Where am I headed with this? Is it that easy? Yes and no. Yes, because if you can radically change the quality of your thoughts, your emotions and your belief system will also change, which in turn will transform the reality you are participating in and co-creating. It all starts in the mind. And no, because mastering your thoughts doesn’t happen overnight. But it is possible! The most crucial part of realizing this Universal law is recognizing the negative thought patterns accompanied by discouraging emotions that have taken root inside you, especially from childhood. We must go back because it is key to realizing this first Universal principle.

We must discover those perspectives we created about ourselves and the world from the very start. We have to be willing to unlearn everything we have learned about how reality works by observing our beliefs about them. For instance, if you learned that opening up about your needs does not give you what you want because, as a child, when you did express your needs and feelings to your caretakers, they either punished, ignored, or ridiculed you. Then you have likely created a perspective around love that says expressing my feelings and needs is unsafe and will not get me what I want. Unfortunately, we still carry these ideas and old perspectives into adulthood.

So, one by one, we must go back and decipher our initial subconscious programming by recognizing all the negative thought patterns and beliefs concerning our power and our worth. We must recognize our perspectives regarding love, relationships, even our relationship with money, our physical bodies, and the world at large. Once we become more self-aware, we begin to look at ourselves and our lives differently and, eventually, become free from inner criticism, self-hatred, or blame. We can free ourselves from the mind’s shackles with its limiting perspectives

Correspondence – The 2nd Universal Law

universal laws

The Universal law of correspondence may be triggering because it’s the ugly truth no one wants to face. This principle states that good and evil don’t exist and that the root of all evil stems from ignorance. Ignorance of our true nature and all the misconceptions of self accumulated from painful experiences. Have you heard people complain about why bad things happen to good people? This Universal principle forces us to go a little deeper, and here’s why. When we understand this law and how it applies to each of us, we break free from victim consciousness because the truth is that the inner reflects the outer. And keep in mind that we are not discussing extreme cases here. But, for instance, if something unpleasant happens to us, we must be willing to look internally rather than externally. Though it doesn’t necessarily mean we are like those who have done us wrong, a part of us is still open to letting those experiences in our conscious field for a reason. The reason is that your subconscious beliefs hold more power over your external reality because of what you believe to be true about yourself and, above all, how you relate to the word deserving. This Universal principle helps us put things into proper perspective by questioning our deepest beliefs.

For instance, if you have a rooted belief that says you are unworthy of consistency and deserve to be neglected and abandoned, then the Universe will conspire in such a way and attract those who mirror your subconscious beliefs. Those who will most likely be inconsistent and neglect you. It’s about realizing that your external reality only plays as a mirror to help recognize the distortions you carry in your psyche. This is why we must practice patience with ourselves and learn to see the bigger picture. Eventually, we’ll realize that the Universe has always been a friendly place, only helping us recognize what lies beneath our conscious mind and awareness and isn’t aligned with love and source consciousness.

Let’s say that you continuously attract people who disrespect or bully you. In that case, this law encourages you to look within and become aware of deep-seated beliefs regarding bullying and disrespect. If others disrespect you, the Universal law of correspondence shows you are attached to a perspective that prevents you from saying no, speaking up for yourself, and establishing healthy boundaries due to self-doubt. It shows that you have created a perspective that says you deserve to be treated badly, disrespected, or bullied. Most likely stemming from your childhood. How do we change these negative self-beliefs in order to change our reality or the people, places, and things we attract? We have to acknowledge and unravel all our initial subconscious programming and observe our inner dialogue, especially during challenging times, because when we experience difficulty, everything comes out in the open for us to witness. This is how we expand our awareness and upgrade our consciousness.

Intimacy (Into me, I see) is not only about our relationships with other people but more about deepening our relationship with ourselves. Once you understand the root causes of your suffering and negative experiences in life, you must also recognize how they carry a strong emotional charge with them. They are inaccurate and based on external conditions or what you experienced in the past. Traumas that you’ve internalized and given a specific meaning or created a perspective around but no longer need to be valid or appropriate for your adulthood. While becoming more aware, you can recreate your belief system by simply replacing them with more positive ones. For instance, “You are worthy of respect and no longer deserve to be treated with disregard for your emotions.” This way, you don’t give your power away by still being bound to limiting perspectives and misconceptions of self, which cause karma and suffering, but acknowledge your power by changing from the inside out. You have to understand that you are essentially the product of your thoughts, words, emotions, and actions.

The key here is to build a good relationship with yourself, which requires a fair amount of self-love and radical self-acceptance. Just as you would like to build a loving relationship with your partner, it is just as rewarding, if not more, when you work on improving your relationship with yourself. This inner reflection allows us to see how the external plays as a mirror, making it easy to acknowledge our inaccurate beliefs toward ourselves and other people. These distortions that lie beneath the surface of your conscious mind are actually the root of what we call evil. By increasing our inner light or self-awareness and by expanding our consciousness, we come to know our true selves and fully step into our co-creative powers. Without any limitations from the subconscious mind, we become godlike or goddess-like by fully acknowledging and exercising our power. We can create a different reality and give birth to a new version of ourselves without the heavy anchors of the past. We can genuinely reinvent ourselves and create an entirely different reality by ending unnecessary suffering.

Vibration – The 3rd Universal Law

“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration.” –

Nikola Tesla

universal laws

The Bible says, “And God said let there be light.” This Universal law shows us that to create something new, we must become it. We must vibrate higher by speaking things into existence to reach the desired outcome. Speaking negatively by holding onto fear, anger, resentment, and hatred will only keep us at a low vibration, attracting the same problems and circumstances over and over again. Remember, the language of the Universe speaks through energy, vibration, and frequency. Your vibration is your currency and what you think, feel, and primarily what you say will determine your vibration overall. Whether the words you utter in silence to yourself while alone or the words you express to your friends and family. When we understand this Universal law, we become more mindful of how we speak, especially about ourselves, and how we speak over our lives and the lives of others because we realize we are speaking things into existence.

If you continually say to yourself and others that nothing ever good happens to you or that you are condemned to living in despair for the rest of your life. Or that your family failed because you are cursed with bad luck, etc., the Universe will not refrain from acknowledging your vibration and manifest the same results. Unless you change your vibration, how you think, feel, and speak, the Universe will continue to manifest the same negative experiences and reality based on what you speak over your life, even the words you use nonchalantly as a joke.

Remember, the Universe is always saying yes. So observe and choose your words wisely because if you want to shift to a higher vibration permanently, it requires anchoring a higher vibration on a daily basis and making it a habit. Everything takes practice, just like any bad habit or negative pattern you try to break free from. You are in charge of co-creating your reality, so you must become disciplined and make a conscious choice to create significant differences in your everyday life. Every day is a new day and an opportunity to select your words carefully, just as you select your outfits and meals for the day. Surely you wouldn’t want to eat crappy foods every day for the rest of your life, so the same goes for your thoughts, emotions, and the words you speak about yourself and reality. The higher your vibration, the faster you can reach higher states of consciousness and align with the good side of life.

Rhythm – The 4th Universal Law

universal laws

This Universal law is about how fast we evolve on this plane of existence. The higher your vibration, the quicker you evolve. If we are trapped in a negative mental state and play the victim, we wallow in depression and self-pity. When we live in the past with the same negative thoughts and limiting beliefs that keep us at a lower vibration, we are bound to repeat the same karmic lessons unless we free ourselves and begin to recognize signs and synchronicities. Let’s say you feel stuck for a while because things always seem to remain the same, and no significant growth or change is taking place in life. This is only temporary because nothing is constant but rather ever-evolving. Some evolve faster, and some slower. Remember, we did not create this plane of existence for things to remain fixed. This Universal law is about respecting your own rhythm of evolution. It’s about being patient with yourself and your life progress because you can’t force growth upon anyone, including yourself. This Universal principle is the very same reason I encourage my students to take responsibility for what is manifesting in their lives and start seeing themselves as co- creators rather than victims of chance or coincidence. If we reclaim our power from all the traumas and the pain we experienced in the past, we can raise our vibration, changing the rhythm and evolving faster.


Forgiveness plays a significant part in our evolution of consciousness. If you forgive yourself and others, it will create a substantial shift in your vibration. We will evolve faster when we let go of resentment and become more forgiving and understanding of ourselves and others. You cannot control someone else’s actions, and you certainly have no control over what happened to you in the past, but you can forgive yourself by understanding and accepting that you did the best you could with the knowledge you had at the time. Everything occurs in divine timing, so patience is key. What you want to manifest and the change you seek in life may be slower at this time, but it doesn’t mean it will never happen for you. You must understand your timing and your rhythm of evolution and practice humility and compassion. Remember, the highest vibration we can choose is love. Love over fear and love for ourselves and humanity as a whole. Because in the end, others are only another expression of God-source, having a temporary human experience just as you are but evolving according to a rhythm of their own.

Cause & Effect – The 5th Universal Law

“The universal law of karma… is that of action and reaction, cause and effect, sowing and reaping. In the course of natural righteousness, man, by his thoughts and actions, becomes the arbiter of his destiny.” -Paramahansa Yogananda


This Universal law has gained a lot of popularity in recent years, especially in the revival of a few Buddhist sects and other spiritual teachings. I am positive in the year 2023, if I mention the word karma, you will undoubtedly know what it means, no matter your religious upbringing and background. This Universal principle dictates that you will reap the same energy you put out into the world. If you act out of envy, jealousy, hatred, etc., you will reap the same energy in return. It might not come in the same form or under the same conditions, but it will nonetheless be the same energy. Karma=actions. Nothing can escape this law.

Every cause has its effect, and every action has a reaction. Remember, your vibration determines how you act and the choices you make. You can choose to be of service to self or service to self and others. If you are acting from a low vibration by thinking poorly of yourself, always comparing yourself to others, neglecting and not taking care of yourself, and envying what others have, don’t expect to reap better energy. Have you ever met anyone successful who thinks poorly of themselves? Who doesn’t believe in themselves? It is not possible because the choices you make and how you move in this reality are determined by your standards and what you think, feel, and say about yourself. I have never met a self-made millionaire constantly indulging in self-pity or self-doubt.

Also, if you are someone who manipulates, lies, cheats, and causes suffering in other people, don’t expect your actions to be overlooked or forgotten by the Universe. Not because of an anthropomorphic God with a white beard watching you down from the clouds but because of energetics and the energy you’re putting out in the world, but because of the law of cause and effect, action and reaction. This law also encourages us to look at our actions and the consequences they bring. If something bad happens to us, whether it has to do with love, money, etc., this Universal law forces us to reflect on our actions and our inner world. It helps us recognize why those things are happening on a deeper level by taking full responsibility for ourselves, how we think, what actions we take, or how we move in this reality. And most importantly, it helps us understand what led us to take those actions in the first place.

For instance, if you’re gaslighted and easily manipulated by others, there must be a root cause that keeps manifesting the same negative experience in your life. There must have been a pivotal point where it all began and created a ripple effect since. Maybe it was because of an over-controlling or narcissistic parent where you didn’t have much of a say growing up. Where your sense of self was depleted and underdeveloped and where someone systematically crossed your boundaries, always resulting in self- doubt. We must learn to evaluate things this way.

If you learn to work on your wounded self-esteem and build a healthier sense of self by acquiring more self-knowledge, you can stop these negative experiences from manifesting in your life. You can create dharma instead of karma and stop acting out of jealousy or envy or allowing abusive people to control you. You can stop people from taking advantage of you, lying to you, and walking all over you, and start setting up those much-needed boundaries you never learned to set before. When you work on taking responsibility for your actions, changing your behavioral patterns, and your self-beliefs, you can begin to speak your truth by becoming more assertive with other people and not feeling sorry for it. You can overcome a vicious karmic cycle that may be taking place right now. Remember, if you throw a stone in a pond, it will undoubtedly create ripples, and the same goes for our actions. Everyone will reap what they sow under the right conditions and in divine timing.

Polarity – The 6th Universal Law

“Life is a series of natural and spontaneous changes. Don’t resist them, that only creates sorrow.” –

Lao Tzu

the 7 universal laws

This Universal law helps us with the process of procreation on the physical and ethereal planes. For instance, if you are making $40,000 per year, you know that this doesn’t serve you or your highest good, and it doesn’t have to be your only reality, especially in today’s world. If you work for a low salary, it shows that maybe you have a consciousness of lack regarding money and wealth, which most likely stems from how your caretakers raised you. Perhaps you manifested a job where you feel stuck, but deep down, you know there is more out there for you to experience, but it requires change. And, most importantly, the need for you to get outside your comfort zone. This Universal law is the law that gives us the ability to make changes in our lives and tap into our creativity so that we can create a new reality.

What goes up must come down. Nothing is permanently good or bad on this plane of existence. We need contradistinction to help us evolve. The main reason we are here is for the evolution of consciousness. We need to experience darkness to find our inner light. So, if something terrible happens to us, it helps propel us forward, no matter how slow the change seems in different stages of growth. The many negative life experiences show us what needs to change in our behavior patterns and mindset so that we can rise to a new level of being. This law doesn’t make any distinctions. Whether rich or poor, change is inevitable, and it comes in different ways and on different levels.

Abundance Mindset

For instance, if you lost your job, whether a famous actor or a school janitor, this may be the Universe bringing the necessary changes for your spiritual evolution by recognizing all misconceptions of self you carry in your mind. For the janitor, it could be about realizing you can become whatever you want as long as there’s a will, as long as you access your power and apply yourself to learn different pathways to achieve what you want. For the famous actor, it could be the Universe helping him or her see that fame and success do not define them or determine their self- worth.

Although perceived by many as a curse, losing your job, status, or your loving spouse could be a blessing in disguise to come to a deeper understanding of self and love and the nature of reality and help align with your true calling. It may be the Universe helping you discover the love and power that already resides within and learn to be in a state of flow, creativity, and abundance that makes space for inner peace and joy. Everyone is good at something, and everyone has their own unique set of talents to offer the world. So, the Universal law of polarity is about transcending what we consider good or bad, positive or negative, and seeing how everything is conspiring for our highest good and evolution of consciousness. Once we realize how this Universal law works, we can relinquish resistance and control with more ease and grace by surrendering to the changes presented to us.

Generation – The 7th Universal Law

hermetic principles

This Universal law explains how we always create something new through the principle of generation. Much like the phoenix that rises from its own ashes, we shed our former selves to emerge as a new version of ourselves. This law is also associated with the kundalini in the yogic tradition. The serpent that lies dormant at the base of the spine but must be raised up the spine to reach the crown chakra for enlightenment. It is associated with gender and regeneration. Like the caterpillar that transforms into a butterfly, we also transform through the law of generation. This Universal law also explains our ability to survive on this plane of existence. The fight, flight & freeze response leaves a strong imprint on the nervous system. When we understand our subconscious conditioning and how our brain is wired, especially in times of danger or perceived danger, we can free ourselves from psychological restrictions. We can experience what the yogis call a kundalini awakening. It’s about transcending our most primal fears and old coping mechanisms by making a conscious connection to the divine when the kundalini reaches the crown chakra.

This refers to the process of enlightenment. Only then can we come to the realization that, no matter how bad it seems, the Universe always has our back and works for us and not against us. It allows us to heal intergenerational traumas and transcend our inherited personality traits based on fear. We can build a life no longer affected by the ancient brain concerned with survival, also known as the reptilian brain. The important thing is to be methodical when consciously applying all of the seven Universal principles. They are not forced upon us to obey but are meant to enhance our awareness and illuminate our capacity to co-create reality through our perception. These laws apply to our personal lives as well as the collective. We are all interconnected, and we are all symbiotic beings and participants in the same creative process. This is why mass meditations have such a positive impact on the course of these timelines.

Jetona Andoni

Words feed my soul, ground my spirit, and elevate me all at the same time.