6 Remarkable Yoga Poses For Diabetes!


1. Salamba Sarvangasana

cure diabetes
Supported Shoulder Stand

Salamba means supported, and Sarva= all, whole, entire, complete; anga= limb or body. In this pose the whole body benefits from the exercise, hence the name. Here are six remarkable yoga poses for diabetes.

How to:

  • Lie flat on the back on the carpet keeping the legs stretched out & tightened at the knees, hands by the sides of the legs palms facing down
  • Bend the knees and move the legs towards the stomach till the thighs press it.
  • Raise the hips from the floor as you exhale and rest the hands on them by bending the arms at the elbows.
  • Raise the trunk up perpendicularly supported by the hands until the chest touches the chin
  • Stretch the legs straight with toes pointing up (only the back of the head and the neck, shoulders, and the backs of the arms up to elbows should rest on the floor. place hands in the middle of the spine)


Sarvangasana is the Mother of asanas. As a mother strives for harmony in the home, so this asana strives for the harmony of the human system. Many of the asanas (poses) have a direct effect on the glands and help them function properly. Sarvangasana does this for the thyroid and parathyroid gland. Healthy blood is allowed to circulate around the neck and chest. It also exercises the liver, pancreas, and spleen and ensures a generous blood supply to them. These organs are thereby kept in a healthy condition.

2. Janu Sirsasana

yoga poses for diabetes
Head to knee pose

Janu means the knee. Sirsa is the head. In this posture sit with one leg stretched out on the ground and the other bent at the knee.

How to:

  • Sit on the mat with legs stretched straight in front.
  • Bend the right knee and move it to the right, keeping the outer side of left thigh and the left calf on the floor.
  • Place the right heel against the inner side of the right thigh near the perineum. The angle between the two legs should be obtuse. Try and push the right nee as far back as possible so that the body is stretched from the bent leg.
  • Extend the arms forward towards the left foot and hold it with the hands. First catch the toes of the left foot, then gradually catch the sole.
  • Keep the left leg stretched throughout by tightening at the knee
  • Exhale move the trunk forward by bending and widening the elbows, and rest first the forehead, then the nose, then the lips and lastly the chin beyond the left knee. Do not allow the leg to tilt.


This yoga pose tones the liver and the spleen and thereby aids digestion. It also tones and activates the kidneys making it one of many helpful yoga poses for diabetes. People suffering from enlargement of the prostate gland will benefit by staying longer in this pose. You should practice this asana along with Sarvangasana, see pose 1 above. Janu Sirsasana is also recommended for people suffering from low fever for a long time.

3. Paschimottanasana

yoga poses for diabetes
Seated Forward Bend

Paschima means the west and it implies the back of the whole body from the head to the heels. In this asana the back of the whole body is intensely stretched, hence the name.

How to:

  • Sit on the floor with the legs stretched straight in front. Place the palms on the floor by the side of the hips. Take a few deep breaths.
  • Exhale, extend the hands, and catch the toes. Hold the right big toe between the right thumb and the index and middle fingers and likewise the left big toe.
  • Extend the spine and try to keep the back concave. Bend from the pelvic region of the back and also to extend the arms from the shoulders keeping the back flat and the spine straight. Breathe deeply.
  • Exhale, pull the trunk forward, and touch the forehead to the knees. (If easy enough grip the soles and rest the chin beyond the knees)
  • Hold this position from 1-5 minutes, breathing evenly.


A good stay in this pose massages the heart, the spinal column, and the abdominal organs, which feel refreshed, and the mind is rested. Due to the extra stretch given to the pelvic region more oxygenated blood is brought there and the gonad glands absorb the required nutrition from the blood. This also increases vitality, helps to cure impotence, and leads to sex control. This asana tones the abdominal organs, the kidneys, rejuvenates the whole spine, and improves digestion.

4. Jathara Parivartanasana

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Belly Twist Pose

Jathara means the stomach, the belly. Parivartana means turning or rolling about, turning round.

How to:

  • Lie flat on the back on the floor.
  • Stretch out both arms sideways in line with the shoulders, so that the body resembles a cross.
  • Exhale raise both legs together until they are perpendicular to the floor. Do not bend them at the knees.
  • On the next next exhale move both legs sideways down towards the floor to the left until the toes of the left foot almost touch the finger-tips of the outer stretched left hand. Try and keep the back well on the floor.
  • Both legs should go down together, keeping the knees tight. Turn the legs only from the hips, and move the abdomen to the right.
  • Stay in this pose for at least 20 seconds then bring the legs perpendicular to floor. Repeat other side by lowering legs to the right and turning abdomen to the left.


This asana is good for reducing excess fat. It tones and eradicates sluggishness of the liver, spleen and pancreas, making it one of the many optimum yoga poses for diabetes. It also cures gastritis and strengthens the intestines. By its regular practice all the abdominal organs are kept in trim. It helps to relieve sprains and catches in the lower back and the hip region.

5. Mayurasana

yoga poses for diabetes
Peacock Pose

Mayura means a peacock.

How to:

  • Kneel on the floor with your knees slightly apart.
  • Bend forward, invert the palms and place them on the floor with fingers pointing towards the feet.
  • Bend the elbows and keep the forearms together. Rest the diaphragm on the elbows and the chest on the back of upper arms.
  • Stretch the legs straight one by one. Exhale, bear the body weight on the wrists and hands, raise the legs from the floor (either one by one or together) and at the same time stretch the trunk and head forward.
  • Keep the whole body parallel to the floor with the legs stretched out and feet together. Hold the pose as long as you can, gradually increasing the time to between 30 and 60 seconds. Do not put pressure on the ribs.


This pose tones up the abdominal portion of the body. Due to the pressure of elbows against the abdominal aorta, blood circulates properly in the abdominal organs. This improves digestive power, cures ailments of the stomach and spleen, and prevents the accumulation of toxins due to faulty eating habits. Mayurasana is very beneficial and one of the most efficient yoga poses for diabetes As a peacock destroys snakes, this asana kills toxins in the body.

6. Ardha Matsyendrasana

yoga for diabetes
Half Lord of The Fishes Pose

Ardha means half. In the Hatha Yoga Pradipika, Matsyendrasana is mentioned as one of the founders of Hatha Vidya. Matsyendrasana is the lord of the fishes.

How to:

  • Sit on the floor, with the legs stretched straight in front.
  • Bend the left knee and join the thigh and calf; raise the seat from the floor, place the left foot under the buttocks and sit on the left foot so that the left heel rests under the left buttock. If you can’t sit on the foot place it near the buttock.
  • The foot used as the seat should be kept horizontal on the floor, the outer side of the ankle and the little toe of the foot resting on the ground.
  • Bend the right knee and lift the right leg from the floor, place it by the outer side of the left thigh so that the outer side of the right ankle touches the outer side of the left thigh on the floor.
  • Turn the trunk 90 degrees to the right until the left armpit touches the outer side of the right thigh. Exhale bend the elbow with hand pointing upward. Hold from 30 to 60 seconds. Repeat other side
  • For advanced yogis stretch the left arm from the shoulder and twist it round the right knee. Bend the left elbow and move the left wrist to the back of the waist.
  • Then swing back the right arm from the shoulder, bend the right elbow, move the right hand behind the waist and either clasp it with the left hand or vice versa. With practice it will be possible to catch the palms and then the wrists behind the back.


This pose tones the liver, spleen, and pancreas, making it one of the perfect yoga poses for diabetes. Calcium deposits in the shoulder joints are resolved and the pose helps free movement at the shoulders. It rejuvenates the nerves round the navel. Here, the lower part of the abdomen has the benefit of the practice. The prostate and bladder are not enlarged if one practices regularly.

Jetona Andoni

Words feed my soul, ground my spirit, and elevate me all at the same time.

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  1. Altenge.kz

    Great content! Keep up the good work!

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