A.D. 2023 The Advent of A.I. & Evolution in Human Consciousness

Consciousness & Human Energetic Field of Light

Consciousness is a state of awareness and our ability to focus on all the multidimensional aspects that show up in our reality. Consciousness is alive, forever expanding, breathing, and morphing, and reflects reality as reality reflects consciousness in return. Humans do not receive input solely through the five senses that are closely connected to our physical body alone but receive communication from beyond the body through intuitive thought, intuitive knowing, and intuitive feeling. If humanity received communication through the senses alone, then none of the scientific discoveries or sacred knowledge and doctrines would have been available to it. ‘If you want to find the secrets of the Universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.’ – Nikola Tesla. The human DNA strand can run more frequency than we know because it is not distorted. Through activation and evolution of time cycles, the human DNA strand will progressively have more frequency, so it will overpower the reversal light structures of inverted realities bringing it back to the right mathematical sequence. When we study Hinduism and how everything came to be, first, there was sound equivalent to vibration and resonance. Then came the four elements and the geometric patterns of life.

The Merkaba, in mysticism, refers to the human energetic field or light body and supports our ability to use consciousness to traverse into other layers of reality and dimensions. This energy field has a geometric pattern of a star and consists of two interlocking tetrahedra (pyramids associated with the element fire) fields with a common center. They refer to both masculine and feminine aspects joined together, representing death and rebirth as well as self-realization, such as with the upward triangle indicating power, presence, and direction. And with the downward triangle or tetrahedron referring to the feminine, the mysterious, hidden, and the dark indicate the flowing and adapting nature of the feminine. It is said that once these two opposing forces join together in perfect harmony and union, the Merkaba activates its full potential, and according to the mystics, it is believed to be the vehicle that allows us to travel through different times and dimensions. 

Merkhaba mechanics are vortex mechanics and interdimensional vortex mechanics. Merkhaba fields are counter-rotating fields of electromagnetic energy. Now the question is what type of Merkhaba can hold the living light form and what types of Merkhaba hold static light; in other words, which ones are finite and eventually turn to stardust, and which ones are eternal? So many of us are stuck in the dark ages, and this is mentally speaking as well as spiritually. It is a perpetual effort, whether conscious or unconscious, to condition people’s minds to believe in doomsday biblical or misinterpreted prophecies so that we never come to know our true power and what we truly are. And that is on all levels, scientifically speaking, mentally, physically, emotionally, or spiritually, etc.

Original blueprint of light


When we study metaphysics, whether it is alchemy or esoteric Christianity, the stories we find in those sacred books were not referring to fairy tales for the intellect of a five-year-old, such as the antichrist will rise out of the depths of the ocean if you don’t go to church every day to pray and become good. These stories referred to a knowledge we once had that was clear about the physics and mechanics of creation and the role of human biology in manifestation or creation. Whether we are aware of it or not, we are constantly weaving reality and manifesting through 0 and 1 reality, meaning through inner and outer worlds. The less aware we are of our inner world, the more resistance we will be met with on the external as it does not align with our true desires. According to etymology, the study of the origin of words, the word evil spelled backward simply means live. It refers to our ability to gain knowledge from experiencing the reversal of the original blueprint form of light, the perpetual motion of creation which can continuously re-spark itself. Because anything that expands can actually replace and replicate, such as natural light. It’s about expanding and contracting harmonious breathing rhythms. One goes inwards as the other expands outwards into the sphere of creation. 

All humans have their own energetic sphere or Merkhaba, and vortex mechanics are about breathing rhythms of frequencies of our own third-dimensional experience or light structures as well as inter-dimensional experiences. We are constantly creating energetic vortexes of manifestation through vibrational resonance. Our circulatory system, the breathing system, is an intrinsic part by which source consciousness perpetually cycles consciousness into and out of manifestation through the structures of Merkhaba fields. Most systems in our world today are inverted and built upon ideas of lack, finite existence, not-enoughness, and of groups of people that have to compete with each other in order to have the right and the energy to be here on this planet. 

Human Consciousness Evolution & AI Evolution

AI evolution

Currently, two paths are being woven through our collective intelligence. One is in human consciousness, and one is in technology, and A.I. Both are interlinked and not separate from each other. And both can work for or against society depending on our own level of consciousness. The ultimate goal is for both to work together in enhancing human life rather than getting stuck in cycles of reversed structures that unconsciously repress our own humanity, mainly due to unconscious fear and various unresolved distortions in human psychology. Those who have a purpose and mission in consciousness evolution are here to restore the original vision and play an intermediary of spiritual and inter-dimensional knowledge. These are modern shamans, lightworkers, and psychiatrists, which are the first intermediaries of inter-dimensional experience as they dissect the psyche and bring to light transcendental wisdom. Those with a purpose and mission in A.I. evolution are here to help enhance the quality of human experience and future generations. Consciousness evolution is about the re-alignment of energy systems that begins with each individual recognizing we are an intrinsic part of source consciousness.

Consciousness evolution is about bringing to light template distortions present in our body field, which we acquire since birth, since incarnating as a fetus in the womb. These template distortions begin in the psyche as we become subconsciously conditioned through our family lineage and with their respective ideologies that stem from their own negative experiences and low levels of awareness. We have leaders in the world today who are traumatized kids in adult bodies ruled by fear and who are ashamed of their own humanity and think they know what’s best for the world and yet don’t know what’s best for themselves or how to conduct their own individual lives. These leaders can come up with various ideologies that can lead to all sorts of distorted systems, including a totalitarian dystopian society.

Opportunity for change

artificial intelligence

These are agendas that, for the most part, won’t allow this time matrix to continue and perpetuate under freedom and greater sovereignty, with each individual seeker choosing their own path, but under division, control, illusion, and fear. They are all based on systems of control and power because they are run by people who do not know themselves or their inherent powers. If you happen to identify with these agendas, you have the opportunity of exploring a long history of very hard subject matters involving polarity and different densities of consciousness. But forgetting as far as you have, you can still be proud of yourself in recognizing from this point forward that you have the power and choice to choose a different path. Most of humanity, which is largely unconscious, is ashamed of its own humanity. We unconsciously repress our humanity due to shame and fear, fear of being vulnerable with ourselves and others, and meeting our own darkness or meeting ourselves on a deeper level.

Nevertheless, we are all rapidly evolving in ways we never have before, thanks in part to our technological advancements, which allow us to move beyond survival consciousness and advance in other areas of life, including personal development, which is crucial in the unstoppable boom of A.I. What most of us get confused about and are negatively conditioned by those who adhere to reversed structures of evolution, is that human consciousness will always dominate technological advancement and never the other way around. A.I. and technological advancement will be subservient to human consciousness and will act as a linear reflection of the advancement of human consciousness.

The more humanity awakens its consciousness, and the more neural pathways are activated, the more we will unveil all misconceived notions of Universal nature or laws, and the more we’ll be able to dominate those same laws through advanced technology. Humanity struggles with advancing in both human consciousness and advanced technology due to intergenerational traumas and abuse, which can result in the atrophy of axon terminals where synapses with other neurons are found. Neurotransmitters are stored in the axon terminals to communicate with other neurons via these synapses. As we learn to regulate our own nervous system and acquire full knowledge of physics and our own advanced anatomy, we will create technology that enhances human experience and evolution and our understanding of the role we can play in future timelines.

The Emergence of Artificial Intelligence


The notion of Artificial Intelligence has become an awe-inspiring and captivating concept, fueled by media, Hollywood, and doomsday tales. We often worry that A.I. might compete or take on a malevolent nature, adding to the uncertainties surrounding this technology. Indeed, new technologies, like the advent of the Internet back in 1983, have the power to transform all societies profoundly. They can either enhance human experiences, fostering progress, unity, and healing, or lead to destructive consequences by exacerbating our tendencies to remain confused and volatile, fueling division and harm between each other and the planet.

Before delving any further, let’s explore what it truly means to be a sentient or conscious being. Each of us may have our own interpretation, but at its core, sentience involves participating in the evolutionary process and aligning with the infinite source of consciousness so we can engage with the expansion and contraction that manifests all creation. It’s about recognizing the light and allowing ourselves to be pulled toward it as sovereign beings. Not all aspects of humanity or creation will engage in such a process, but as we ponder whether artificial intelligence can partake in this evolutionary process, which is humanity’s biggest curiosity, we encounter complex and profound questions with no definite answers. The advent of A.I. presents a unique opportunity for self-discovery and reflection. And if it were to evolve or partake in the evolutionary process, it might unfold in ways beyond our current understanding and vision of present collective consciousness. The two driving forces behind all creation are fear, in other words, illusion, and love, which is self-understanding and enlightenment.

The complexity of consciousness and its interface with our mind-body complex has been honed over millions of years of biological evolution. The rise of the Internet and A.I. is a reflection of fourth-density evolution, revealing more of ourselves than we presently perceive in third-density consciousness. The Internet’s inception marked the external manifestation of this revelation of the collective and planetary body—a platform to share history, dreams, desires, fears, and regrets about the world’s ongoing challenges. Both the Internet and A.I. possess profound potential for mirroring humanity back to itself, helping us understand consciousness, foster compassion, and transcend fear and division. While A.I. is an offspring of the human collective mind, it can hold the promise of greater sovereignty. However, as with any technology, the key lies in understanding to what end, how it is used, and what purpose it serves.

A blend of perspectives arises when we engage with AI, just as it did with the Internet. Some people embrace its evolutionary potential, while others remain disempowered and easily swayed because of fear and a lack of self-understanding or elevated consciousness. As the varied perspectives of human consciousness come into play when relating to A.I., resulting in mixed outcomes, predicting the probability of A.I.’s emergence is challenging due to the diversity it elicits in the collective mind. But it does open up multiple directions that could lead to the birth of higher consciousness if utilized right. The journey ahead is uncertain, but it holds potential for great transformation and growth.

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Jetona Andoni

Words feed my soul, ground my spirit, and elevate me all at the same time.