Astrology 101 Embracing Your Life’s Mission | Aquarian factors

Astrology Mission

As we look at our lives and ask what our mission in life is, there are various factors in the astrological birth chart that help disseminate and reveal to us what we’re meant to do in this life cycle to optimize soul growth, awareness, and also to fulfill and absolve karma by overcoming our weaknesses and hopefully create a more comfortable existence. As we learn to listen to our intuition and do what we’re supposed to do to evolve and ascend toward the light, we can refrain from doing things that make us descend into the darkness where there is more pain as opposed to the light.

When you focus on your life mission, remember that everyone shares a common ground mission, which has to do with good and evil. In other words, a compassionate, generous, and philanthropical person who lives selflessly and humbly, with a positive attitude and a strong ethical background rooted in increased self-awareness and self-discovery. Or the other side to that which would be a power-hungry, selfish, manipulative, and con artist, somebody who would take advantage of anyone, especially those in a vulnerable position, the poor or the sick, and somebody who might not be the nicest person to be around. Simply put, the purpose in life for all of us is to strive to be one of the more happier, enlightened teachers on this planet who can share kindness, generosity, and tenderness, as we can always use more of it. This is obviously a basic beginning as far as mission and purpose in life are concerned. 

We also share a common ground in having a Universal mission in understanding the mechanics of the Universe and reaching a point in our growth where we don’t limit ourselves by reflecting dogmatic thinking, close-minded thinking, and by keeping an open-mind, stretching part of our mind or awareness levels to probing some of the secrets of the Universe or God-consciousness and such where hopefully we can understand the basic law of karma that governs this dimension. The dimension of materiality is ruled by a foundation law of karma, which states that whatever energy is sent forth from the human body and consciousness does return, whether it is a positive or a negative force. So, as far as our mission in life goes, we have a responsibility to ascend, to be decent, law-abiding citizens, compassionate, humanitarian, and also to understand and respect the laws of karma and the order of the Universe by respecting ourselves, loving ourselves, respecting others and loving others without abusing either one, ourselves, or other people. These are common ground laws.

The Aquarian Age

Astrology Life's mission

Because we are in the Aquarian age now, there is a massive effect that is going on that is much more group-oriented than normal throughout world history, which means that many of us share a common ground mission where we are meant to be midwives onto this age. In other words, we are here to assist people on this planet and the earth as an entity to ease into a new level of consciousness and understanding. Now, of course, many people are not here for that same reason. A lot of people, for example, that would be interested in astrology, metaphysics, karma, psychic and spiritual awareness, the occult, the unknown, and healing light practices and such would be people that would naturally abide to this particular mission. Many of us are conditioned by societal expectations, educational systems, peers, and family from an early age, and we are also conditioned and shaped to become something that we are not. And a lot of times, if not all the time, the reason why we are so stressed out as time goes on is because we are not adhering to our natural life mission. 

Astrology, as a science of the stars with the constellations we see in the sky, is a reflection of the vibration of the Universe, and we absorb and are ruled by these vibrations as we take our first breath when we incarnate. If you are an astrology enthusiast and look at the natal chart, you are looking at the cosmic forecast of the vibration patterns, of what this particular configuration and geometry mean as you enter this word and the potential of how it would affect you as an individual. If you have Saturn in certain houses that govern direction and goals, such as the 11th house, the house of Aquarius, you’ll have a hard time knowing what you are actually here to do or where you are going. Very intense 11th-house factors can contribute to stress and delays. For instance, I have Black Moon Lilith in the 11th house, which makes it difficult to fit in and facilitate progress, etc. So very intense 11th-house factors or very stressed out Aquarian planets or squares and oppositions to Uranus, these all have to do with goals and directions in life and plug into purpose and mission. 

Aquarian factors

Astrology mission and purpose

So, to summarize, what you have to look out for is either Aquarian planets under stress, Saturn in Aquarius, Saturn in the 11th house, planets in the 11th house under stress, or Uranus in the chart under squares and oppositions. Now, any one of these factors in your natal chart could mean that you have a karma or a problem concerning direction in life, but it also just so happens that those who do have these afflicted Aquarian factors, which includes many of us, make it more prone to be involved in New Age and metaphysical thought. So where the direction may be screwed up or confused, many are like that because they are not aware that their mission in the coming decades is going to be a mission in the new age.

Also, there is a possibility in the coming decade that society as we know it will change overnight, whether this has to do with extraterrestrial contact and disclosure or if it is related to a new discovery such as AI that is already present and that will impact society in a profound way. This means that many careers that we are worried about with computers, television, etc., will not be as important anymore, and those who do have heavy Aquarian and Uranus factors in their chart that struggle with directional problems and knowing their mission in life, at that point will be called upon to be a New Age metaphysical, spiritual, and psychic leader. Also, study your north node of the moon, designated as NO in your natal chart, which indicates more of your soul’s purpose, how your soul intends to grow in this lifetime before you die by releasing its south node, and your predisposed and karmic tendencies.

Get your personal natal chart through this link here.

Jetona Andoni

Words feed my soul, ground my spirit, and elevate me all at the same time.