5 Life-Changing Tips For Prosperity & Abundance


In this post, I want to discuss how you can create more abundance and prosperity in your life by mastering the law of attraction as mentioned in “The Magic Path Of Intuition” by Florence Scovel Shinn

manifest abundance

1. Your enemies are only those of your own household, your subconscious beliefs

Florence Scovel Shinn

According to Florence Scovel Shinn, true prayer means preparation. To manifest abundance and everything you want, you must set your intentions and desires onto the universe and then act as if you expect to receive it. By showing active faith, we impress the subconscious mind with expectancy.

The subconscious is power without direction and intuition is the superconscious mind, the divine self, or fairy godmother. What you feel deeply or say with feeling is impressed on the subconscious hence your early training; what you have learned throughout your childhood will often determine how and what you manifest as an adult.

The subconscious is essentially your soul. Impress the subconscious with perfect ideas instead of doubts and fears of the conscious mind. You can do this by repeating an affirmation, such as “I am by divine right worthy of abundance and prosperity.”

Whatever you send out in word or thought against another will return to you because all of us are linked by a mysterious magnetic force. So you cannot hurt anyone without hurting yourself. Your enemies are only those of your own household, your subconscious beliefs. If you have a strong imprint of injustice engraved in your subconscious, you will continue to attract that which you resent and fear.

manifest abundance

2. Gratitude is the law of increase & complaint is the law of decrease

Florence Scovel Shinn

If you do not appreciate a blessing, it is not impressed upon the subconscious and will fade out of your life. Remember, what you say with feeling will leave an imprint on your subconscious. If you always talk lack, your fortune will begin to vanish. Words and thoughts are a form of radioactivity and do not return void. You are justified by your words, and by your words, you are condemned.

Count your blessings because it is the law of increase and abundance. Be grateful for what you have, and you will attract more to be grateful for. Our way to financial success is to trust the Universe for our supply.

According to Florence S. Shinn, the following affirmation brought wonderful results. “I give thanks that the Universe is my supply, and I am now linked with endless streams of steady, ready money, under grace in perfect ways.”

Always affirm positive thoughts to counteract negative thoughts. There is always an invisible supply for us to draw upon, so if one door closes immediately, another opens. Nothing comes into your life uninvited. You’re always inviting poverty or prosperity through your quality of thought. For instance, if you feel poor, you begin to lose money, so don’t look back at harsh times; otherwise, you’ll be drawn to those same conditions. But give thanks for the dawn of a new day.

manifest abundance

3. Your word is your wand

-Florence Scovel Shinn

What you see with your inner eye you will meet sooner or later on the external. As we live in a sea of magnetic force called mind-stuff or Samskaras as the Hindus named them in Sanskrit, what we imagine is impressed upon the sensitive substance and crystallizes sooner or later on the external.

The experiences you meet in life are your own creations. You have to be wide awake to your good to bring it into manifestation. Most people today are asleep in the dream of opposites. If you are dwelling in beliefs of lack, loss, failure, resentment, inharmony, sadness, etc., you are asleep to your good while these negative thoughts clutter your mental house.

When you resent someone, you give that person the power to harm you. If you feel you are a failure, you miss your opportunity for success and abundance; therefore, you are still asleep in the dream of opposites. You can wake up to a world of every desire of your heart fulfilled. Your word brings it about, for your word is your wand.

Never let the 3rd dimension interfere with the 4th dimension. The 3rd dimension is a world of adverse appearances, and it is the fog most people live in. Never say I am broke, for it impresses the subconscious with a picture of emptiness. Remember, as you change, so does everything around you. Don’t sing sad songs because your subconscious is impressed by anything you feel deeply. Your word is your wand, and nothing is too good to be true.

abundance & prosperity

4. No one keeps you out of your good but yourself

-Florence S. Shinn

A negative idea continually dwelled upon will create a thought-form in the subconscious. These thought-forms will manifest in your life until you neutralize them. If you fill yourself with suspicion, you will soon find what you are looking for.

What you fear you attract, and nothing can save you but learning to neutralize your fears. Your fears will externalize in concrete experiences. Doubts and fears are sins, for they impress negative pictures on the mind-stuff and bring lack, limitation, or disaster to pass.

Have faith in the affirmations you use. Never use a statement that does not bring you a feeling of security and abundance. If we look at Cinderella’s story, the evil stepmother is the thought-form or the inferiority complex that dwells within many of us. The fairy godmother is the superconscious mind or God within who tells her she can go to the ball.

So call on the power within to set you free. If you affirm all things are possible here and now, then so shall it be. Remember, no one keeps you out of your abundance but yourself. A thought-form of self-pity, for instance, is one of the most dangerous thought forms you can have because you neglect the power within, and the more you pity yourself, the worse things get. The conscious mind must be redeemed by its wrong thinking by giving it the right ideas to work from the superconscious because the experiences you meet in life are your own creation.


5. A harmonious person is never vibrating at the same rate as a germ

-Florence S. Shinn

Health and happiness go hand in hand. As long as anyone can cause you to be angry, resentful, irritable, sad, etc., a harmful reaction takes place in the cells of your body, producing some sort of dis-ease. Lack and loss affect your health, such as with financial headaches. Continual criticism and fault finding produce acid deposits in the blood, which causes rheumatism.

A chemical change is produced in a person’s body by suddenly changing from despair to joy. Fear and despair produce congestion and disease while joy releases the proper circulation, and health is regained. A happy, fearless person will be immune to germs. Life and death are in the power of the tongue, as is success or failure and lack or abundance.

All poverty or limitations are a state of mind. You can never receive what you cannot see yourself receiving. For everything comes through you, not to you. Your divine self, the superconscious, knows no defeat or failure. Clear vision and affirmations are a powerful tool to counteract the psychological imprints already present in the subconscious.

Vibrating to success and prosperity by using thoughts, feelings, and words of affirmation cannot help but bring it in for you. Spirit is pure intelligence from which man tries to tune in. Do not limit yourself to a one-station radio for life. Tune in with the infinite intelligence and live fully by sailing into unknown territories.

Jetona Andoni

Words feed my soul, ground my spirit, and elevate me all at the same time.