The Great Repercussions of Karmic Interference


Living well is the best revenge.


What is karmic interference?

Karmic interference is not a new phenomenon, and as the term already denotes itself, it is characterized by an intentional and negative act of interference to cause harm to someone’s life. Karmic interference is one of the lowest acts one can engage in life, and it is primarily due to jealousy, insecurity, envy, fear, ignorance, or our need to control. Never underestimate how far people are willing to go to keep someone stuck for selfish purposes, slow down one’s progress, or cause harm in someone’s path, whether that be interference in someone’s love life, with one’s family and friends, or career path.

The word karmic relates to the term karma, and it is characterized by one’s misconception of self, where one refuses to acknowledge their own power and the underlying motives behind engaging in such distasteful acts. All that is karmic stems from one’s inability to acknowledge their shadow and unconscious self because they are ashamed of their true self. When we talk about the true self, it is the sum total and all of an individual’s mixture of many ingredients, pluses, minuses, experiences, etc. They fear facing the pain of knowing the truth about who they are and why they have become who they are. I have to admit that it can get quite complex if we are to go deeper into its psychological aspects because there’s a great deal of psychopathology that goes along with their horrid actions.

The hidden & dark ways of karmic interference | Become aware

karmic interference

You would be astounded to know how far people are willing to go when they choose to interfere in one’s life karmically. People that you’d consider of good morals and ethics, nice people, churchgoers, friends, lovers, co-workers, etc., who, behind the scenes, are willing to go broke just to see you as miserable as they are or stop you from being happy and fulfilling your destiny. These people engage in ridiculous acts and even different forms of dark practices and rituals to interfere in your love life for selfish purposes or instill doubt in what you do to try to stop you from fulfilling your life’s purpose. And if you are asking why people are willing to go as far as they go, it is mainly due to their character. These people are very much focused on acquiring either power or wealth and are very competitive by nature. They can be extremely selfish and are not concerned about how their actions are impacting those around them because their main focus is on themselves.

These people are all about their come-up, their moves, acquiring success and power, and have very big egos, which make them delusional to think that the Universe and the world revolve around them. These big egos are simply a reflection of their internal instabilities and lack of self-belief that is being projected as the complete opposite on the outside. They get off on projecting their problems and unhealed wounds onto you. They disregard all your boundaries and are only concerned about themselves. These individuals who willingly interfere in your life karmically carry a lot of self-doubts and struggle with many insecurities, including their ability to accomplish their goals and dreams. So they get very competitive and have absolutely no hesitation in fighting dirty, kicking you while you’re low, and stabbing you in the back to get what they want.

The main reason why these individuals karmically interfere in your life is that you are a threat to them. There are a lot of issues around jealousy, envy, insecurity, and anger. And do not doubt that people who karmically interfere in your life are not only jealous friends or family members. These are people who you can be dating and pouring your heart out, but who, behind the mask they wear, look at you as someone they wish they were. These people have really severe jealousy issues and serious insecurity issues.

Mindgames | Don’t fall for it

These people have very low consciousness and easily get overwhelmed by their emotions. And even if you are romantically involved with them, they are willing to cut you off brutally because they don’t know how to deal with what’s coming up for them internally. They are dominated by their fears and insecurities, and because they may even look up to you as someone better than them, their insecurities get so triggered that they willingly choose to inflict a lot of their pain onto you. They do this to block you energetically from stepping into your power. Their karmic interference and objective are to traumatize you, so you have a lot to work through, and so it slows down your progress and stepping into the fullest version of yourself. These individuals who karmically interfere in your life will not hesitate to betray you, gossip and spread lies about you behind your back, and intentionally hurt you because that is how they affect people they see as competition. They attack and mess with people mentally.

They could be very harsh and careless with their words and how they speak to you. They intentionally try and trigger your past pain or traumas that you had a hard time working through or releasing if they know things about you or have a way to find out about them. They just want to make you imbalanced, and if they realize that all of their tactics and manipulation don’t work, that’s when they cut you off to try and dominate the situation. These individuals are driven by dominance and just want to dominate and control people. They are delusional enough to think they’re all-knowing and wise, while they lack purpose and have absolutely no idea what they’re doing here on earth. These are the individuals who, once they leave this plane of existence, will be right back in the delivery room, living the same existence because they refuse to learn their lessons. They are extremely selfish and forceful. They’re all about pushing anyone out of their way to get to where they’re going and are very aggressive. And the sad part is that they don’t even know where they’re going. 

These people who karmically interfere in your life are very manipulative, and they are not truthful. They are wolves in sheep’s clothing, and they are not genuine or authentic about their intentions with their connection to you. They will not hesitate to manipulate the situation and blame you for their horrid actions or the drama between you. The one time that you decide to put your foot down and set boundaries with these individuals, they will use that to blame you for all of the other bullshit they did to you. These are very unforgiving individuals, and if it were the other way around, they would never, I mean never, forgive you for what they themselves have put you through. They love playing mind games because that’s their tactic. They attack people mentally. They try to instill doubt in you and make you insecure about whether or not you can accomplish your dreams. 

The people who karmically interfere in your journey are very abusive and manipulative, and all of this is because they are very insecure and don’t believe in their own power. So they try to make other people feel the same way because, in their eyes, people like you are roadblocks toward them achieving what they want. So if they can mess with your mind the way their mind is, they can project their shortcoming onto you. They will not hesitate and try to make you feel some kind of way by commenting on your appearance but wish they looked half as good as you do. They think they can dominate people mentally. These people don’t feel empowered and think they can’t accomplish things unless they tear others down.

The great repercussions of karmic interference | Never seek revenge

karmic interference

What these individuals fail to realize when they karmically interfere in your love life or with your goals and dreams is that every action has a reaction. We live under Universal laws and whatever energy we put out into the world is what we will reap for ourselves. Daddy Saturn always comes to collect, and you don’t need to lift a finger or seek revenge because the Universe always keeps receipts and never misses a thing. Whether they pay someone to do ridiculous acts of dark practices to interfere with your happiness, love life, success and money or interfere, as mentioned previously, with their abusive manipulations and mind attacks to instill doubt, these individuals’ karma will not look good for them. Especially if they have chosen to interfere in someone’s life purpose or destiny which entails helping humanity overcome their inner struggles to make this world a better place for future generations. Some people are so blinded by their selfishness that although you may have a great purpose and a spiritual rank they cannot even fathom, they won’t stop and try to bring their misery to you just to feel they’ve won the war. Only soon to realize that it was an empty victory but with great repercussions.

When these individuals try to be a karmic interference and cause imbalance in your life, their stability and financial security will be affected greatly. The foundation they’ve created for themselves when it comes to their goals is, without a doubt going to be rocked. The lies they spread about you to their family or friends will be exposed. Their progress and movements toward their goals are going to be blocked. Their intuition and inspiration will be greatly affected. Just as they try to slow down your progress by tearing you down and instilling doubt in you, they will be disconnected from making any real movement or progress in their own life. They will be confused, and their perspectives will be negatively influenced as they tried to keep you in a state of illusion when engaging with them. Neglecting self-care will also be part of their karma, and they will be blocked from being the highest expression of who they can become. What they set out to accomplish will not be accomplished because they tried to intervene in your destiny, not knowing for some that the divine has their hands already in what you do. And nothing, I mean nothing, not even death itself, can stop you. If they try to stop other people, block other people, control other people, and not support other people, that is the same energy that these individuals will reap in divine timing.

There’s going to be a disconnect from their heart and mind because that is what they tried to cause in you. There will be an imbalance between their hearts and minds when it comes to their goals. Their joy and happiness will be severely affected because they hate your genuine and pure heart and how optimistic you guys are because of your no matter what attitude. Because of how much faith you have in the unseen and in yourself. These people can’t fathom how you’re still rising, still happy, still bubbly, and genuine after they went overboard with their execution to destroy you. They can’t stand how you grow from what they did to you. These people were already miserable before they karmically interfered in your life and will make very unhealthy choices if they haven’t already done so after engaging with you. They can catch terrible STDs when trying to tear you down spiritually, emotionally, and mentally by betraying you and choosing other people over you who are trash compared to you and your authentic and loving nature. They may get unwanted pregnancies and feel trapped with karmic partners who manipulate just like they do and blackmail them into staying trapped with them. Some of these individuals won’t even know that these pregnancies are not even theirs, to begin with, but waste time with people who lie, cheat, use dark magic, and manipulate only to get what they want.

The only thing you can do is try and find some compassion for them. These people who willingly choose to be a karmic interference in your life and act like a monster will not be able to manifest what they want, but they will have to observe you do that as you make serious moves and serious progress with your hard work and life purpose that entails helping others. Their karma is to watch you level up more and more as you are divinely guided toward your destiny. Their karma is that they will not have access to you, whether friends, family, or ex-lovers, because of how they treated you. And all because of their actions that came from a place of fear and not love. They lacked integrity with their movements in life and with their horrid actions toward you.

Jetona Andoni

Words feed my soul, ground my spirit, and elevate me all at the same time.