5 Odd Attributes of Lizard Animal Totem

Lizard spirit animal


If Lizard is your animal totem and comes to you as an omen in dreams or real life through synchronicities and intuitive messages, you are being called to embrace the transformation and regeneration that is taking place in your life. The lizard spirit animal reminds us that you can adapt to any given circumstance. When this spirit animal becomes your ally, it asks if you need to discard layers in your life, such as old wounds or the past, to step into a more positive future.


  • Smart
  • Adaptable
  • Instinctual
  • Survivor
  • Growth
lizard spirit animal

Overall message from your spirit animal

Lizard people know they can survive anything and heal against incredible odds. They are powerful dreamers and paying attention to messages that come from the subconscious is important at this time. You can receive warnings that will help you avoid pitfalls. Lizard animal totem is asking you to shed your skin, become free of the limitations of the past and transform into greater awareness of self and personal power. Clairvoyance and extrasensory perception belong to you as you evolve along your journey.

lizard animal totem

Don’t miss 6 Wonderful Attributes of Eagle Animal Totem here!

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Jetona Andoni

Words feed my soul, ground my spirit, and elevate me all at the same time.