Peacock Spirit Animal | 8 Amazing Attributes

Peacock totem

If Peacock is your spirit animal or comes to you as an omen, whether in real life or the dimension of dreams, know that you were born to shine and inspire. Peacock people have the gift of observation and keen perception. The Peacock is the most iridescent of all birds. Because of their ability to eat poisonous snakes, Peacocks were used as protectors in ancient temples. They symbolize rebirth and new beginnings like their cousin, the elusive Phoenix. The feathers of Peacock are symbols of prosperity, protection, and sensuality and are used in smoke rituals to cleanse and renew the aura.

8 Amazing Attributes of Peacock Totem

  • Grace
  • Vibrancy
  • Protection
  • Self-esteem
  • Good luck
  • Resurrection
  • Integrity
  • Pride
Peacock spirit animal

Overall message | Peacock Spirit Animal

If Peacock is your totem, you have a colorful and vibrant personality that attracts many admirers. Have you been hiding your inner beauty lately, or has vanity made you arrogant? Guard yourself against letting your vanity or pride get the better of you, and practice humility to avoid jealousy. You are blessed with clear vision while noticing the smallest details and are able to raise yourself to great heights of brilliance in your field. Be grateful for life, and more good things will come. Peacock loud cries hold both mockery and laughter, which comes from their grand self-confidence. They are best known for being their most authentic selves, so be true to yourself and recognize your brilliance. Your positivity and radiance will help lift others up to realize their own worth.

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Jetona Andoni

Words feed my soul, ground my spirit, and elevate me all at the same time.