5 Must-Know Yoga Poses For Lower Back Pain

lower back pain

1. Uttihita Trikonasana

(Uttihita means extended, stretched. Trikona (tri= three; kona= angle) is a triangle) Yoga For Lower Back Pain

trikonasana triangle pose
Extended Triangle

How to

  1. Stand erect at the top of the mat with feet together
  2. Spread legs apart sideways up to 3 feet apart
  3. Turn the left foot 90 degrees pointing at the top of the mat. (See image above) Turn the back foot slightly to the left, keeping the back leg stretched from the inside and tightened at the knee
  4. Bend the trunk sideways to the left, bringing the left palm near the right ankle. If possible, the left palm should rest completely on the floor
  5. Stretch the right arm up, bringing it in line with the right shoulder, and extend the trunk. The back of the legs, the back of the chest, and the hips should be in a line
  6. Hold the position and if necessary use props such as yoga blocks from half a minute to a minute, breathing deeply and evenly

Repeat Opposite Side


This pose tones up the leg muscles, removes stiffness in the legs and hips, corrects any minor deformity in the legs, and allows them to develop evenly. It relieves backaches and neck sprains, strengthens the ankles and develops the chest.

2. Virabhadrasana I

(Warrior I pose is dedicated to the powerful hero created by Siva from his matted hair)

yoga back pain
Warrior I

How to

  1. Stand erect at the top of the mat with feet together
  2. Spread the legs apart sideways 4 feet
  3. Turn the left foot 90 degrees, pointing at the top of the mat and the back foot slightly to the left. Simultaneously turn to the left (see image above)
  4. Flex the left knee till the left thigh is parallel to the floor and do not extend beyond the ankle, but keep in line with the heel
  5. Stretch out the back leg and tighten at the knee
  6. Stretch the arms up together with the spine and square both hip points facing forward
  7. Hold the position up to a half minute, breathing normally

Repeat opposite side


It relieves stiffness in shoulders and back, tones up the ankles and knees, and cures stiffness of the neck. It also reduces fat around the hips.

3. Uttanasana – Yoga For Lower Back Pain

(Ut is a particle indicating deliberation, intensity. The verb tan means to stretch, extend, lengthen out. In this pose, the spine is given a deliberate and an intense stretch)

yoga back pain

How to

  1. Stand erect at the top of the mat with feet together. Big toes touch and heels slightly apart
  2. As you exhale bend forward and place the fingers on the floor
  3. Move the hips a little forward so as to bring the legs perpendicular to the floor
  4. Knees can stay slightly bent if hamstrings are too tight
  5. Aim with your head straight down towards the feet
  6. Hold this position up to a minute with deep and even breathing


This pose cures stomach pains and tones the liver, the spleen, and the kidneys. It also relieves stomach pain during menstrual periods. Heals depression and rejuvenates the spinal nerves. It soothes brain cells, so the mind feels at peace.

4. Ardha Chandrasana

(Ardha means half. Chandra is the moon. The pose resembles the half-moon, hence the name)

lower back pain
Half Moon

How to

  1. Stand erect at the top of the mat with feet together
  2. Come into Trikonasanasa, (look at pose no 1 in this post)
  3. As you exhale, bend your front knee and place your left palm on the floor about a foot away from the left foot. (See image above) Use a yoga block under the left hand if necessary
  4. Then raise the right leg from the floor, toes pointing up as you shift your weight on the left foot and hip
  5. Turn the chest to the right and balance while extending the right arm up
  6. Hold this position from 20-30 seconds

Repeat the pose on the left side


It tones the lower region of the spine and the nerves connected with the leg muscles which makes it perfect for lower back pain, and it strengthens the knees. Along with other standing posture, this asana cures gastric troubles.

5. Salabhasana

(Salabha means a locust. The pose resembles that of a locust resting on the ground, hence the name)

back pain
Locust Pose

How to

  1. Lie full length on the floor on the stomach, face downwards
  2. Stretch the arms back
  3. As you exhale, lift the head, chest, ribs, and legs off the floor simultaneously as high as possible
  4. Keep both legs fully extended and straight touching at the thighs, knees, and ankles if possible
  5. Only the abdominal front portion of the body rests on the floor and bears the weight. Contract the buttocks and stretch the thigh muscles
  6. Hold this position as long as you can with normal breathing


The pose aids digestion and relieves gastric troubles and flatulence. Since the spine is stretched back it comes elastic and the pose relieves pain in the sacral and lumbar regions, perfect for lower back pain. People suffering from slipped discs have benefited by regular practice of this pose.

Jetona Andoni

Words feed my soul, ground my spirit, and elevate me all at the same time.