Activating the Inner Genius | A Path to Immeasurable Creativity

inner genius

Is there a genius inside us all? And what makes a genius a genius anyway? We’re told that great minds are rare, and their minds work in mysterious ways unknown to ordinary minds. But what if this is a dimension within the self that we can access at all times and can be activated just by anyone? What does it take to find the creative inner genius, or what is the obstacle that prevents most people from tapping into this unknown potential within the mind? We all have our own convictions about life, including the things we believe about ourselves. And as a result, we lead our lives according to somewhat flexible but mostly uncompromising and unbending rules that govern us every day, from how we think to how we act.

When we look at who we were in the past, there is absolutely nothing we can do to change the events that already occurred. Everything we experienced then was a result of our thoughts, feelings, accompanied by actions, and above all, our beliefs from yesterday, a month ago, a year ago, ten years ago, or even 50 years ago. However, the past exists only as a memory, and our power always lies in this present moment. What we can think today will certainly shape our tomorrow, the next month, the next year, and for those thinking a bit outside the box, perhaps even the next life. How you decide to think from this moment forward will outweigh any thought or feeling from the past as long as you remain persistent in this new frame of thought and feeling.

We can’t deny that we all suffer to one degree or another because of our past, and it doesn’t matter how our stories differ. We all struggle with some level of self-hatred, guilt, anger, resentment, and shame. Now the more we are rooted in our suffering, whether conscious or unconscious as it is for most, the less we can access this unknown potential that resides in us all—the creative inner genius. And the less we are rooted in this unconscious suffering, the more we can access a state of creative flow from a source perhaps imperceivable to the five senses. One of the biggest notions we all struggle with, because life kicks us all down when we least expect it and because we learn from a very young age that love is conditional, is the notion that I am not good enough. I am not good enough for true love. I am not good enough to chase my dreams. I am not good enough to shine my inner light with the world, etc. These are all limiting beliefs that are deeply rooted in our being, and often we repress this part of ourselves because we don’t want to cast a negative opinion or what we deem weak on ourselves. This is what we call ego.

Honesty & The Self

inner genius

In every spiritual doctrine we can find out there, we’ll come across similar values, and one of them is to learn to be honest with ourselves. Often we think we are, but this couldn’t be further from the truth. I can tell you from experience because I used to think I was the most honest person in the world when it came to my relationship with myself. Little did I know, I was entirely operating from my ego. I was not in tune with all these different aspects of myself, with the inner self, more so rooted in the body and not in the mind. I did everything I could to repress parts of myself that I deemed weak, undeserving, unlovable, shameful, etc. Now everything is energy. And we want to be able to conserve our energy and apply it well and consciously toward what we want to create in our life. Where attention goes, energy flows. This is important because the less conscious we are about our suffering, the lower our frequency, and the less we can open ourselves up to new realities or quantum fields of possibility and probability. Obviously, we do not become honest overnight; this is a constant effort we have to make to unravel all these strong subconscious beliefs and patterns. Sometimes, we get a little help from the universe with what we call synchronicities, or when we meet souls that help us mirror or reflect back all this negative inner talk or shadow material.

If we harbor resentment and anger, especially from our childhood, this will certainly affect how much of this creative dimension and inner genius we can access in our creative endeavors. If we always indulge in fear, old unconscious patterns, criticizing, or competing with other people instead of focusing on our personal growth and cultivating our own unique talent, it can also lead to chronic physical illnesses. If we repress parts of our personality that we deem as unworthy, whether it’s our romantic side or other aspects of our personality that were judged by others or because we deemed as useless or have no practical value will also repress a lot of our creative abilities unexplored. Also, the inner always reflects the outer. For instance, if you believe that other people are always criticizing you, something I, like many, have struggled with, it is because you are unaware that there is a strong pattern of self-criticism inside you. There is a strong belief that you deserve to be criticized, and that most likely stems from your childhood. These are what we call generational patterns, passed down from generation to generation in our family lineage. And if you don’t struggle with self-criticism, there are other subconscious beliefs that you may not be aware of because our stories and experiences differ, and so our suffering also differs.

Our definition of success | Inner genius

success genius

Most of us equate success with money. If we make money, then we are successful. But success is not the result of making money; rather, making money is the result of being successful. Furthermore, love pervades all. Everything created in the universe is the result of love. Love is behind all, behind our creativity, the stories written or yet to be written, our songs, art, food, and love is the great goal. God is love, and there is nothing sinful or shameful about God or love. The entire universe is caught up in the work of love, fusion, and sex. Sex is life expressing love. So many still feel shame and sin toward love or the expression of love through sex. This is the epitome of ignorance. In our relationship with the universal subconscious mind and spirit, the love we feel toward the divine is the love we find within ourselves first. Once we find this love within ourselves, then we can impress the universal subconscious mind with our desires driven by love, and not the absence of love, to serve and to better the mental, physical, and spiritual well-being of humankind. The absence of love and our desire driven from a place of wanting success without wanting to serve with our gifts and services through love can only take us so far, if not nowhere at all. And I don’t know of any great artist that felt shame or sin toward love.

If we try to walk someone else’s path to success, if we try to be like someone else, it can only take us so far, if not into total self-destruction, and stir us away from our passions, unique journey, and creative inner genius. If you always sing someone else’s song or write someone else’s story, you will lose yourself and forget who you were meant to be in this world and access that dimension within yourself that makes you uniquely successful from anyone else. What is your voice? This is something that I myself am still learning as I have only scratched the surface of what I am here to do since embracing my purpose as a writer in 2020. The universe is always listening when we act on our desires, and the more you can know yourself, the clearer your desire becomes, and the more light you shine on your unique path regardless of what you are here to do. To be successful, we don’t want to be like everyone else because why would you? Your power lies in no other being you, like you. The goal of activating the inner genius is spending your life being a master of becoming more you, and I don’t know about you, but that brings a great sense of relief and freedom just thinking about it. Whew!

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Jetona Andoni

Words feed my soul, ground my spirit, and elevate me all at the same time.