Are We Doomed Like Ancient Atlantis?


Who’s In Control?

If anyone conducts research on how today’s modern society functions will pretty much conclude the same thing: “The few do control the many.” But what kind of structural system would allow to control over seven billion people that populate Earth? The problem remains whether you want to call them the deep state or rulers of institutions, royal family bloodlines, secret societies, etc. The question is, what is the foundation of human control? It is the control of human perception. And human perception is formed from information received. What we have to wake up to as a collective mind or consciousness, despite our technological advancements, and who have yet to understand we are intrinsically and inevitably part of a whole intelligent entity is that major events in the world that dictate the direction of the world are not random. When you see things from this broader perspective, things begin to take a different meaning. For instance, we all witnessed during the year 2020 how so many people became censored and banned for putting out information challenging an official narrative and perception of reality. I was one of them and silenced on youtube, which is why I decided to shut my channel down. Also, if a few want to control the many, they have to centralize power, and no one can deny it from happening in today’s society. 

From a broader perspective, those who consent to this kind of influence are more prone to control of human perception, which is largely most of the world’s population. It reflects the collective’s unconscious or, in more esoteric terms, the feminine principle—that which largely agrees and follows. When I talk about feminine or masculine principles, please keep in mind that they go beyond gender. They are universal principles that exist in everything and everybody, such as the yin-yang in Taoist philosophy. Before the world of forms, structure, and density, which represent more of the masculine principle both in the psyche and the universe, the feminine is closer to the unconscious where all archetypes exist, chaos, that which hasn’t gone through a process of individuation or learned to create its own perspective and understanding of reality. When people blindly agree, they are fundamentally operating from their unconscious, and it doesn’t matter whether they are a man or a woman. It has nothing to do with who they are. Whether you want to see them in a good or a bad light or label them as intelligent or not, their choice has truly no anchor in their free will or awakened consciousness. It is a choice made from their understanding to benefit the whole. This is where politics, religion, and different views of reality may come in.

Masculine & Feminine Principles


We have to become aware if we are continuously fighting each other or even fighting ourselves because we want to stick to one perspective, whether you are anchored more in your masculine aspect of the self, seeing things from a bird’s eye view and observing from a distance, or the feminine principle, more of an up-close-and-personal detailed view. Because if you get stuck in one or the other, you risk never landing with your feet on the ground to get a clear sense of what is really going on and not only from a distance, but you also risk never rising above and getting overwhelmed by all the nuances and details of your emotions. We have to integrate both feminine and masculine principles and learn to shift between both so that we can reach a higher sense of emotional awareness and achieve emotional mastery. Remember, emotions are the key to human development rather than intellect. If we cultivate emotional sensitivity and awareness of the rhythms, cycles, and patterns of life, it will have practical benefits for us in our government, our culture, and our industries, and it will eliminate fear and increase our intellect.

Also, we can lose perspective entirely if we only experience things from one point of view because it lacks awareness, depth, and direct understanding. In this 3rd dimensional reality, matrix or projection of consciousness, everything can be reduced to a point in mathematics. Still, everything holds mass, even your thoughts, and the thoughts you are familiar with or think meaningless because that is how you weave reality by shifting between your outer world and your thoughts. Everything has its right to existence, and neither you nor I can argue about it. We are in no position to tell someone their perspective shouldn’t exist because it would be like denying the existence of different colors on a spectrum and arguing about each other’s existence. It’s about integrating all because, after all, it is that which we can’t fully grasp beyond the world of physicality, getting to know itself on a different density of consciousness.

Point of Attachment | Zero & One Reality


Your consciousness is attached to your physical body in the same way number one reality is your physical existence, its interactions and feedback. One reality is your physical body, and your consciousness, thoughts, feelings, and any information that comes through non-physical means would represent zero reality. Your point of attachment is not fixed; it moves. Some days you’re more physical, running errands all day, and some days you’re more mental, and as we move back and forth between zero and one reality, we create change in our lives. Zero reality is where you are not, but where you can get to in your mind, but only so far.

For instance, your number one reality is your physical location, such as your workplace, and zero reality is your spouse at home. You can imagine being with your spouse at home in zero reality, but it can only get you so far. You’ll have to take your physical body and drive home to marry zero reality to meet your spouse. Some people have mastered travel between one and zero reality by projecting themselves with their physical body in zero reality because they have trained to do so. There are stories of yogis and monks that are so good in zero reality that they can go anywhere with their minds, including their physical bodies. Your unique energy or magnetic field contains information from both physical and non-physical reality, both one and zero reality.

In our experiential reality, rooted in zero reality, such as the night or dream state, information is being participated in and downloaded. But because it is entirely experiential and non-physical, we don’t retain the information contained in other dimensions of existence as easily as we do with physical interactions. The subconscious processes the energy from these other dimensions in the form of dreams or semiconscious participation. And we can no longer deny that there is something independent of physical existence. A study done at Harvard several years ago showed that when you dream, you take your consciousness with you, which means that your senses are absent from your body and still operating in a non-physical space. Your senses travel to wherever your dreams and subconscious activity is going on. This study proves that zero reality has an energetic property that you are interactive with whether you’re aware of it or not.

Stay Centered

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It’s important that we learn to be centered in ourselves and remain balanced in both zero and one reality. Zero reality or internal feedback is good, and we are transitioning into zero reality more and more as we advance with technology, smart devices, and electronic interactions. But physical feedback is how we relate to our current reality. There can be potential health issues when mainly interacting in zero reality that much more because you no longer know how to relate to physical reality. For instance, if we look at video gamers, emotional interactions, physical interactions, and relationships don’t matter because everything they experience is in zero reality. In fact, a recent study in Japan has shown that people, even in their early twenties, are no longer interested in relationships or sex because of how much input and feedback they get through zero reality. 

One reality or physical reality is just as important because you want to master your thoughts and your body at the same time. Yoga and martial arts are disciplines rooted in both zero and one reality to help master both. Extreme activeness in zero reality is an extreme catatonic state. Extreme activeness in number one reality would be a person without empathy, thoughts, or feelings and total physical engagement with reality. Also, if the center of your consciousness is outside your body, you have abandoned your body but never your attachment to life itself. Without a physical reality, we have no particular basis to experience because we are absent of our senses. When you are in spirit form, you may observe, but you may not be able to experience. The reality of zero, such as meditation, contemplation, and exploring the universe that exists as an experiential universe, is just as important as the physical reality that everybody experiences and relates to.

Time & Power


Our present civilization seems committed to making the same mistakes as those of ancient civilizations, including the legendary Atlantis. This is because of our desperate need to control time and because of our obsession with power. The truth is we can’t stop time because we are part of this wave structure, and time is multidimensional and an expansion of reality and consciousness. Matter and energy all occur in waves of time, which is qualitative. If you take any moment, even this moment, as you read this book, it cuts through the entire physical Universe as we’re talking. It holds all of space in itself. But one point of space doesn’t hold all of time. So we can go as far as saying that time is much bigger than space. All of physical space in each now moment is contained in a point of time, which is a moment. And, of course, a line of time is an occurrence. And a wave of time, such as seasons, our movement around the sun and the astrological belt, etc., is a recurrence. And then, if you get out of the circle of time, which Nietzsche saw as the eternal recurrence, if you break that, we develop and are on a helix because we come around, but it’s a little different each time.

The past exists as a memory, and the future exists as desire or anticipation, but they’re always in the now. You and I are the result of our previous acts and habits, but we’re also the result of our desires. The future is impressing itself on us right now. We live more than we realize in our desires, unachieved. But we must still work through the past in terms of the unconscious habits it set up to only take the jewels and leave or no longer recall what doesn’t serve us. We have to understand how to handle the past within us, how to take what we want, and how to work through what we don’t want and then leave it. Our inability to let go of outdated ways of thinking and old paradigms when their time is up will lead to more conflict, wars, and chaos. Yes, you can go through time, but you cannot rule or control time.

Much of what is happening around the world today is of the same agenda, and while many of those in power and its population may not be totally aware of what is happening on a larger scale, some of us are. The evolution of understanding the true mechanics of reality and our experience of self in it will always change throughout different ages on this planet. A new understanding of self and reality will emerge with time. However, those in positions of power, as history has repeatedly demonstrated, have shown how uncomfortable they are with letting go of old paradigms but would rather cling to their old understanding of self, reality, and consciousness, as well as different fields like science, politics, medicine, or even psychology.

Inevitable Change vs. Control

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We are not meant to stay stuck in one understanding of self and reality. We have seen this throughout history and in different eras, with empires that have risen and fallen. The evolution into the age of Aquarius, our understanding of self, our role in this world and the cosmos, and our understanding of creating reality will inevitably change, including religious and dogmatic belief systems. It is changing as I write these very words. We cannot declare war against a new era because we cannot control time. So, we cannot declare war against a new paradigm shift, a new understanding of self and reality emerging as we enter the new age of Aquarius, because we certainly cannot control the expansion of reality and consciousness. Any and all mind control tactics through extreme views in religion, politics, the media, fear, and misinformation can only work temporarily, if not at all.

Aquarius rules organizational involvement, humanity, genius, science, intelligence of a higher level, intellect, invention of the self, social structures, economics, the web, telecommunication, politics, movement of money, information, etc. And we will see great changes in all of these areas. As their time is up, those who hold power over disseminating information and shaping human perception will persist in maintaining control by keeping people uninformed, unaware, passive, in fear, and disconnected from their consciousness. In the years ahead, most of humanity may continue to be inundated with more distractions and fear-based input on a daily basis as a means of exerting more control. However, the tighter their grip, the more chaos and conflict will emerge because the tides of time cannot be tamed.

Jetona Andoni

Words feed my soul, ground my spirit, and elevate me all at the same time.