Good vs. Evil | Best Advice When Faced with Low Consciousness

As much as we’d like to sugarcoat it, the truth is that many individuals, even in their 40s or 50s, can lack more self-awareness than a teenager or younger individual nowadays. And, unfortunately, I am not exaggerating. Maturity doesn’t necessarily come with age, and it is a reflection of one’s ability for self-analysis and emotional intelligence. The first indicator of individuals with very little to no awareness is their tendency to be mean of spirit and project their wrongdoings or shortcomings onto you. Whether because they lack healthy boundaries for their need to control you or because they project their insecurities and flaws for their lack of accountability. Another indicator of individuals with low consciousness is their inability to empathize and be rather cruel.

They have no moral compass of right or wrong. What they want, or what they need, is their compass. They do not oblige to society’s standards of good and evil because it is utterly meaningless to them, and they have a reckless disregard for the needs and feelings of others. They don’t care who they hurt along the way and have no remorse when treating others poorly. Often you may find yourself associating them with demons or demonic entities. From an esoteric perspective, these individuals could very well have demonic entities attached, making them mean of spirit or monstrous and heartless in their actions. Because in the end, the classical war of angels and demons is more of a psychological war, and it is experienced within. As within, so without, as above, so below.

Archangel Michael and angels fighting demons in heaven during end of times

Ethical dualism

When we look at ethical dualism and classical concepts of good and evil, we come to the conclusion of two contrary powers. One being light, good mind, righteousness, consciousness, love, and awareness. And the contrary being darkness, deception, hypocrisy, false appearance, misery, cowardice, and lies that corrupt every particle of the being. Ethical dualism was born way before Christianity, and we find these teachings from the Persian period by the prophet Zoroaster. Although these two powers are said to be coeval, not both are eternal, for the demon of the lie is to be undone at the end of time when truth alone prevails [the being]. In Zoroastrianism, these contrary powers were systemized as opposed hierarchies of beneficent “Amesha Spentas” and malignant “Daevas,” from which the Christian orders of angels and devils derived. 

When individuals have little to no self-awareness, they are consumed by demons of the lie. These individuals are primarily driven by self-indulgence, dominance, and intimidation. They want to be feared and think that fear is an excellent way to motivate people. It makes them feel as if they have arrived and are finally somebody. As far as they are concerned, you are supposed to conform or be destroyed. They are great actors and will impersonate feelings because everything about them is a means to an end. Now, the more we raise self-awareness, and the more light we shed in darkness, the unconscious, the more truth prevails in every particle of the being.

In psychological terms, our inability to be aware is primarily due to ego, a partial sense of self. The ego will do everything in its power to be right and come up with all kinds of different excuses to maintain its illusion of power and aliveness, protect and advocate for its identity attachment that has no physical reality on its own. The ego refuses to look beyond its partial and often illusory identity construct. In our mind, the ego lives within the imaginary “I,” thought collections of beliefs, concepts, attachments, complexes, neurosis, and sustained traumas.

of the world’s two primary powers, I will proclaim; of whom the more bountiful thus addressed the hurtful: “we are at one neither in our thoughts nor in our commands, understandings nor beliefs, deeds, consciences, nor souls”

I will declare, thus, the world’s first teaching, which the all-wise Ahura Mazda has proclaimed to me. And those of you who will not fulfill and obey this holy word, as I now conceive and proclaim it, the issue of life will be in woe.


Individuals with low self-awareness

low awareness

Individuals who lack self-awareness convince themselves that they can elevate themselves by diminishing others, often with false accusations and projections of their own. There isn’t any sound logic in what they do, and even a child is capable of understanding that. These individuals find it reasonable to treat others in ways that they themselves would absolutely refuse to be treated. They will be reckless with your emotions, inconsistent, and never see you as another human being with a soul to be nurtured like most healthy individuals would, but will use you as an object or an asset.

People with little to no awareness find it right to manipulate others and exploit and dominate them. They disregard the needs, feelings, and perspectives of other individuals. They are willing to overlook the misery they cause, and they’ll bring all their misery to you and then turn around and say you created it. In their meanness and lack of awareness, they refuse to see that they set the table and perpetuate it. They are utterly numb to the pain that other people feel and completely disregard the fact that after engaging with them, people are hurting. They just walk away thinking it’s not their problem. 

These individuals are complete frauds, and if you are dealing with such individuals, my advice is to run and never look back. They do not know love and have no concern for it. They have lust and look to other individuals to meet their items of sexual desire or have a lust for power and substances that will give them a feel-good experience, but it has nothing to do with love. I’ve come across many who try to help these kinds of individuals, including myself, but the reality is that you cannot change them because they are incapable nor interested in changing themselves. And if you are in a relationship with one, you’ve chosen a fixer-upper. You’ve settled for someone’s potential, but not just anyone. You’ve chosen someone who lacks light, has low consciousness, in other words, lacks self-awareness.

They have no appreciation for you as a person. They see you as someone to be used, period. Many individuals with very low consciousness have an addiction to sex, anger, and rage. They will never treat you in such a way that acknowledges your humanity because they couldn’t care less about it. They’ll mock and diminish anyone who has a different opinion from theirs. They think ridicule is a good relationship strategy and disregard goodness. In their meanness, they are delusional enough to think it’s the embodiment of goodness.

Learned evil

Individuals with very low consciousness have low levels of empathy and an arrogant sense of correctness. Most people acknowledge that we’re all fundamentally social. We want to find a sense of belonging, that we matter and have significance, including that individual of no awareness in front of us and ourselves. It’s simply the nature of humanity. We want to feel distinct and have a place in this world and that, essentially, we all contribute to the whole. However, these other individuals learn pretty early on that life is not about connecting in a mutually gratifying way. To them, life is a competition, and they dreadfully fear being on the low end of the competition. They’ve learned somewhere along the way that somebody has to take the blame for not being accepted. 

They’ve learned that someone has to pay for their feelings of hurt, rejection, alienation, uncertainty, and fear. They have a very pessimistic view of the world, and they’ve concluded that they’ll never be the outsider, so they make you the outsider. What goes on inside them is something like, “I’ll show you who I am… I’ll make you pay if you make my pain any worse,” etc. These individuals have all of their behaviors rationalized. They’ve determined long ago that they have to be in control so that other people won’t control them, and along with control comes their idea of them being superior and you being inferior. They willingly decide they don’t need to understand you, but you have to understand them. To them, it’s all about winning, and it’s okay for them to justify and remind you that you are the loser.

What to do with unconscious individuals | Low self-awareness


My best advice when dealing with these individuals is to pull away. You may be hurting and can’t make sense of their meanness, maliciousness, or lack of awareness. But, trust me, it is not your job to change them or make them more self-aware. Some of these individuals will go a lifetime, never owning up to their actions. You will waste your life trying to fix someone who doesn’t want to change or evolve when you could be living your best life with someone who can empathize with you and be more self-aware. Whether it’s a lover, a friend, a social organization, a sibling, a co-worker, or a parent, you need to set firm boundaries with these people and have minimal to no communication or interaction.

Sadly, they are unlikely to change unless they seek professional help or repent and see the errors of one’s way. These unconscious individuals who lack self-awareness will bring a lot of negativity and drama and ruin your peace but will turn around and say you caused it. It is your responsibility to get away, and if you can’t, it’s essential to keep things as minimal and functional as possible. Because arguing with these individuals is like arguing with a wall. Also, seek help in your community if you can. Refrain from allowing people who lack accountability and self-awareness in your circle and have courage and enough self-love and self-respect to walk away.

Don’t miss this other post here!

Jetona Andoni

Words feed my soul, ground my spirit, and elevate me all at the same time.