How To Become “Unfuckwithable” Amid Chaos


Life is a long, lonely, dark, and difficult road that, in order to really reach our highest potential and discover just how strong we truly are, we must be prepared to travel alone. Of course, we will always be met with a never-ending stream of fellow humans along the way, but until we’ve had the chance and taken the time to navigate the inevitable bumps, curves, forks, and dead-ends on our individual paths without the help and support anyone other than ourselves, we will have very little to offer the rest of the world. Not because we’re insignificant or because they are, but because we don’t even know ourselves and the true power and strength that lies deep within us. We don’t know just how “Unfuckwithable” we are. That knowledge is impossible to attain without being tested in our earthly form.

Forgetting Who We Are


Now, I know some will argue that they had plenty of awesomeness and tons of awareness of said awesomeness long before they had a chance to experience extreme hardships, but if that’s the case, why come to Earth at all? You could be fully aware of your greatness in your higher-vibrational form, but down here, full awareness of your power comes in the form of creating it from nothing because you need to be fully aware of what lies within you at a soul level. In this 3D reality, many factors keep us weak and unable to know the power we possess, where we come from, and why we are here at all. All sorts of blocks are set in place to make it nearly impossible to access our divine power. Any and all memory of who we are and where we come from is wiped from our consciousness, and we begin our lifetimes totally fresh and unaware of what we are and will always be.

I firmly believe that we are put on this Earth because the strength and power that exists in us as extensions of Source energy must be put through great tests. This world is a school that our higher selves agree to attend as students with the intention to learn the kind of lessons that are only possible if we agree to participate in a system that appears to be against us and that will do everything in its power to keep us from remembering that we are innately gods and goddesses , “unfuckwithable,” and that we all come from the highest source of love and light. And if this is, in fact, the truth of existence, is there any better way to awaken who you are and what you possess beyond the physical world than to have no choice but to overcome the darkness with nothing more than yourself? And the suppressed strength that can only manifest through individual willpower?

Realizing Your Strength


You must be stripped of your power and the knowledge within you so that you can save yourself and rediscover that you’re a powerful being that exists on a planet designed to make you forfeit your truth and give up what you have yet to realize is yours, to begin with. There are steps to becoming “unfuckwithable” and the best version of yourself in this world. Once you’ve achieved what I shared above, it’s time for the next step. You’re awake, and you’ve stepped into a power that, as far as you know, exists because you made it so. If you’re able to wake up to the truth that the world is going to try like hell to kick you until you no longer wish to get back up, but you are stronger than such forces, it’s time to take what you’ve learned and what you know you can offer and share it with the world.

It’s now time to share what you’ve found within yourself and by yourself with that never-ending stream of fellow humans that you passed on your way to the next level, where perhaps you even had to climb from rock bottom. There is plenty more work to do but if you know who you are, if you know that you are here for a reason, if you know that things are not right in the world, you’re one step closer to becoming the kind of person that can not be fucked with. You should be proud. It was not easy to get to where you are now. Your ability to conquer the limitations of the world with a purpose and desire to help others do the same is quite the victory, but don’t get too comfortable. Will you have what it takes to truly become “unfuckwithable?”

Stepping Into Your Power


You’ve made it up a level in the game of life, and you are one step closer to being a force to be reckoned with. Other forces have become aware that your energy and vibration levels are registering higher than they’d prefer, and they don’t like it. You’re no longer a sleeping sheep lacking the knowledge necessary to realize you’re enslaved in a system that wants to exploit you, fail and lose your power completely. And not only that, you’ve decided you aren’t going to sit back and let it happen. At this point, you’ve probably come to the conclusion that this experience on this planet is some sort of trap or prison and that things aren’t right. With that kind of wisdom and understanding, what the heck else is a badass like you to do next?

If your next-level status wasn’t enough to get you out of this Matrix hell and back to wherever it is you came from, it’s safe to say your work here is not done. As hard as it was to awaken your consciousness and take notice that things are so much more than humanity has been made to believe, it can’t get any more difficult. But come on, you know it doesn’t work that way. The work is just beginning, and now it’s going to get a bit trickier because, before, the only person that you had to help was yourself. Now, with greater knowledge comes greater responsibility, and the fate of humanity is in your hands. There are definitely others like you that have gone through the same kind of awakening process. Unique to each specific person, of course, but achieved nonetheless. But unfortunately, there are many more sleeping sheeple than there are conscious beings like you in this world, and it’s going to take your hard work and others like you to mend this broken place on this planet of ours.

But luckily for you and those that you will surely help awaken, your new level of consciousness comes with a pretty cool perk. Because of all your hard work and how well you’ve stepped into your power, you are, for lack of a better term, a beacon of light. Your essence, aura, and light in a world of darkness will shine in the eyes of those who have yet to recognize their power, and you’ll begin to notice that people will gravitate to you because of this gift. You and all the others out there have become one of two things: a guide for those who want to see but are stuck in darkness and a target for forces you probably weren’t expecting. Because you’re aware of just how special you are now, and this world isn’t all that cool with that. So, it’s going to notice that you’re messing with the way it likes to run things because now, not only are you shining brighter than it would prefer, you’re beginning to attract others with that same spark of divinity that’s been stripped and hidden from them, just like it had been for you. And that’s just not acceptable in the eyes of the world and the evil forces that control it.

Keep Shining Brighter

So, guess what? You now get to play a fun game I like to call “Discernment.” This game makes Monopoly look like hopscotch. It’s all about tricking you and using your goodness and loving nature to manipulate you. Because now, you get to learn when those attracted to your light are there because they recognize the same light and need a little help striking it on, so it shines just as brightly as yours. Those folks are great. They’ll let you ignite the light within them, and then they’ll join you and brighten your surroundings. They’ll be a source of support when you struggle to keep shining, and they’ll always do what they can to ensure you never get lost in darkness again. But unfortunately, there will be more than a few people that come into your life because of the light they see shining from you, and it’s not about joining you. It’s about robbing you. You can think of them as energy vampires. They don’t want to help make anything brighter because they feed off of negativity. They’re not even capable of existing where the light shines. They are, in a way, envious of your shine.

They can’t have it, so they don’t want you to have it either. And they will pull out all the stops in attempts to take the glow that you radiate and snuff it out. Some will immediately make it clear that they don’t like what you represent and want it gone. They’ll be acquaintances and insignificant friends. People that you won’t interact with much because they don’t mind exposing how low-vibrational they are. They’re the first line of defense, but for the most part, you will see right through them and curve them without much thought. But there are others like them. These are the ones that will be really hard to fight off. People that fit into this particular group of energy vampires are hard to spot. They come camouflaged as friends and family that love you. They will take the time to manipulate you by taking the love that they sense in you and using it against you. Some of them will have even been out to take your light before you even knew it was in you. They’re likely unconscious and part of the system that doesn’t want to lose its control and power. Their sole reason for existing is to do all they can to make you feel drained and as much negativity as possible.

In some cases, they take the form of a parent. Sometimes they come as siblings. Often, they will be the man or woman of your dreams long enough to get close to you and then destroy you from the inside. It will be hard to let go of these beings because of the Source of love that created you and how that love lives in you so much that you struggle to turn it off when someone doesn’t deserve it and is only there with selfish motives. Be aware of those making you feel like they have the same love in them and want to share it with you, but only long enough to gain your trust so that you allow them to have control of your emotions and so that they can use that control to hurt you. They’ll wait until you’re struggling and you’ve lowered your vibration, and they’ll go in for the kill. Many times, beings like these will come at you in droves. One right after another, and they can be sneaky and cruel.

Hold On Just A Little Longer

In some extreme cases, they’ll wait for you to be hurt by another like them so they can come in and lift you up and bring you comfort. They’ll help you build yourself back up, and you will give them more of you than you have others because you know what it feels like to be hurt so deeply that you long for the support they provide. They’ll be the first person in a long time you feel you could trust. They’ll take you to a high point of success and happiness that makes you feel like you’ve been blessed, and then they’ll use all that they know to knock you down lower than ever before. However, of course, you will still attract the pure souls that do appreciate the strength and power you fought so hard to hold on to, despite being repeatedly attacked emotionally and energetically. Either way, it will not be easy, but one thing must be done.

There’s a level of being that you absolutely have to reach that will make you the kind of human that can harness the most powerful source of love in the universe and hold onto it, no matter how hard. You will have to become so unbreakable that, no matter how many times you hurt, you never stop shining the light of love into the world that must continue to exist so that darkness doesn’t take over. It may only be partially possible to truly know whether or not someone who finds their way to you has only pure intentions. You will want to open yourself up and love unconditionally, and you will do just that. But you will also be hurt because of the same love you hold. At times you will be the reason some of those with the same light can keep shining when they’ve been tricked by the assholes they never thought would hurt them.

There will be times, like, a whole bunch of times, when you will have a conversation with yourself where you contemplate if the only way to stop getting hurt is to give up being the kind of person that always sees the good in people. That forgives even when there’s a chance it will end up opening you up for hurt. You’ll say things like, “I give up, I’m done being nice. I’m done with kindness. I’m just going to be a piece of shit, like everyone else.” But before you follow through with that plan, you’ll remember who you are, where you came from, and what you’ve been put on this planet to do. You’ll rise above the pain and the misguided trust. You’ll think about all those that may never find the light that lives in them if they come to you and you are just another piece of shit, like everyone else. And when you hold to the good that you found in you that helped you wake up despite the never-ending streams of people that came to test you and make you give up, what you know without a doubt is what makes you the being of light and love that is an extension of Source energy. That is when you become “unfuckwithable.”

Casey Maree

Cowboy boot wearing, sunshine dancing, rebel from the stars writing from the soul.