Introducing Aspects of the Natal Chart | Planets & Houses

Planetary aspects & houses in astrology chart

House activities and transits | Basic astrology

When you follow the planets moving through your houses, it reveals some purpose. It can trigger karma or a life experience concerning what’s going on in that house. So it’s essential to know the house locations of your natal planets. And be aware of the house location of transiting planets, because you’ll be able to put into excellent perspective what’s going on with your life.

Getting down these house activities is so important in understanding astrology. The first six houses, the bottom part of the chart, reveal the self and self activities. In contrast, the upper six houses have to do with other people and activities with the world. Remember that even if you aren’t born with planets in a particular house, you’ll be subject to having a focus on that house sometime during life. If you don’t have your natal chart yet, get yours here Free natal chart!

Planets in the 1st house – Planets & houses

The first house is very heavy because it is ruled by your Rising sign. This house has everything to do with who you are and what you’re trying to do with your life. It’s your identity, your south, your uniqueness, personality, appearance, and how people see you. It’s also your childhood, part of growing up, and basic learning situations.

So, when looking at your natal chart, when you have planets in your first house at birth, there could be a lifelong situation or an activity concerning growth—concerning growing up. Like childhood and its influences and effects. Things concerning your appearance and identity, and how people see you, perhaps your height or weight.

Typically when you have planets in your first house, there is karma with that type of activity. If you’re having a transiting or moving planet, go through that first house, there could be a focus, a current focus on personality, remembrance of childhood, identity, appearance, height, weight, how you feel about yourself, and overall self-esteem. So the first house is very significant.

Astrology natal chart & houses

Planets in the 2nd house – Planets & houses

The second house is the house of values, self-worth, and what is important to the entity. Sometimes, what is important can be a problem or an issue or karma if you have planets under stress, meaning squares or oppositions located in the second house.

So, love, money, property, feelings, vibrations that we may feel, whatever we think our purpose in life is, can have effects as far as all second house activity are concerned. This house is extremely important, and at birth, planets in this house give us a focus on lifelong karma, and its moving or transiting planets in this house give us a current focus.

Keep in mind that some planets will stay in a house for many years. Uranus transits in a house for up to seven years, and Neptune or Pluto transits can take up to 12 or 16 years. So, if you have a planet transiting your sixth house of health, there could be a lot of focus in that area.

Planets in your 3rd house

This house is the house of brothers and sisters and short trips. Getting things done, being busy, communication, letters, emails, phone calls, messages, mail, details. It is a Gemini vibration, and whenever you have planets in the third house, it asks us if we’re up to date in communications in life. The third house natal planets focus on communications, short trips, brothers and sisters, and transiting planets indicate how busy you will be during those transits.

Planetary transitions in houses

Plants in your 4th house – Planets & houses

Planets in your fourth house concern the home and security, residence, the mother, the nurturing part of our nature, emotions, sensitivity, our past, and past lives.

So, there is a focus on these issues whenever there are planets in the fourth house. When planets are transiting and hit the fourth house, these activities are triggered.

Planets in your 5th house

This is the house of children, family, romance, creative ability, creative insight, and the father. So, many times, when you have planets in the fifth house at birth, it gives you a creative ability, a leadership quality, a take-charge quality. Transiting and moving planets in this house will trigger experiences that will designate family, creativity, wanting or having children, etc.

Planets in your 6th house- Planets & houses

Natal planets in this house are very analytical and detail-oriented. You are pretty much like a detail master in the sixth house. There is more of a focus on work, ethics, service and health situations, and karma. Also, worrying, nervousness, and analysis concerned with all of the above.

This is a good placement as far as hard-working people. People that can get things done like mechanics, surgeons, doctors, accountants, secretaries, mathematicians, and people who work with numbers.

If you have moving planets in this house, a lot of times, you will have an issue in your life concerning work or health maintenance.

Astrology transits

Planets in the 7th house

The seventh house has to do with relationships with people. Simply relating to people or getting along with people. Forming love contacts outside of the immediate home and family.

Forming contacts with people you would care for or nurture, bond with, friendships, partnerships, legal matters, marriage, negotiations, and sales ability.

So, natal planets in this house will focus on relationship activities, and transiting planets will focus on relationships for that current period.

Planets in the 8th house

Natal planets in this house create intensity, extremism, more of a closer bonding and intimate relationship, going beyond just loving and physically bonding, psychic intuition and telepathy, transformation and rebirth concerning life and death, the universe, and occult matters.

So, natal planets in this house will have a focus on those areas, and moving or transiting planets will bring a current focus to love and sex and all of the above.

Planetary transits

Planets in the 9th house – Planets & houses

Natal planets in the ninth house are concerned with optimism, philosophy, travel, mobility, contact with foreigners, higher education, college, and transiting planets in this house will create a current focus.

Planets in the 10th house

Natal planets in this house put a focus on ambition, practicality, logic, karma, or debts, and of course, transiting planets in this house will put a current focus on those areas, including career and success.

Planets in the 11th house

Natal planets in this house put a focus on goals, friends, life’s destiny, organization, high technology, and high science. Also, matters dealing with humanitarianism, philanthropy. If you’re born with planets in this house, there’s a focus around those areas. When planets are transiting this house, there is a current focus.

Planets in the 12th house- Planets & houses

If you have planets in this house at birth, there will be a focus on sensitivity, spiritual awareness, enemies, self-destructive behavior, contact with the dream world and higher self, contact with spirit guides or spirit entities. And of course, when you have transits in this house will put a current focus on all those activities.

Jetona Andoni

Words feed my soul, ground my spirit, and elevate me all at the same time.