Let me be your moon

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  • Post category:Poetry
  • Reading time:2 mins read

Your all-pervading essence is my ideal sun, so let this silvery light be your guiding moon
In your darkest hour, I am the unforeseen cool breeze on a hot sandy dune
A muse I once wanted to be for your amiable and exuberant mind
Little did I know this scarlet flame was going to grow and unbind
All these opaque layers darkening the glimmer of what’s left inside me
Dreaming of your imaginative touch is truly where I long to be
Transformed by an everlasting invisible thread, purposeful but loving
A silent yet sensual embrace feels like the ultimate test of succumbing
You know a kiss is just a kiss for the faint-hearted
But your kiss is fervent and deadly for the old self departed
Day and night, you go to my head like an old dusty record on repeat
I lose all meaning when you’re gone, like a tragic and merciless defeat
Your words, like water, give life to a torrid terrain known by few
Refined and luscious with a surreal and dreamy dew

Jetona Andoni

Words feed my soul, ground my spirit, and elevate me all at the same time.