9 Amazing Attributes of Dolphin Spirit Animal

dolphin spirit animal

If Dolphin is your spirit animal or comes to you as an omen, whether in real life or the dimension of dreams, you can be sure that a deeper reality awaits you. Dolphin people are natural healers due to the strength of their love, endless joy, and primordial sounds. They remind us when we have a need for play when tense and out of balance. Dolphins are also masters of the power of breath, and they ask us to meditate with long, controlled, slow breathing. Are you forgetting to breathe?

9 Amazing Attributes of Dolphin Totem

  • Playful
  • Curious
  • Communicator
  • Sociable
  • Freedom
  • Musical
  • Healing
  • Trust
  • Joy
  • Love
dolphin totem

Overall Message from Dolphin Spirit Animal

Dolphins are messengers from Spirit, and if you listen, they will bring you guidance, healing, and opportunities. Now is a time to be like Dolphin, go with the flow, and live in love, laughter, and joy. Dolphin helps us dive into hidden secrets and teach us the sacred breath of life. Breathe deep and let worry go. Tension and stress will drop away, and playfulness will emerge. They represent gentle, friendly power unless endangered. If you have Dolphin medicine, it is good to note the strength they gain from their pod, and they know a shark when they see one and will gather to protect their group. They will take you to new dimensions of consciousness.

meaning of dolphin

Check out Lynx Spirit Animal here!

Jetona Andoni

Words feed my soul, ground my spirit, and elevate me all at the same time.