The # 1 Secret Kitchen Remedy For Digestive Disorders

digestive problems

In this post, I want to talk about common digestive disorders and H. Pylori, a bacteria known to attack the lining of your stomach, causing ulcers and, in some cases, can lead to stomach cancer. Please keep in mind that everything I am writing in this post is based on personal experience.

The content is not intended to substitute professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health providers with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on the sentientmuse site!

A strong family history of digestive disorders and ulcers is found in most people that struggle with peptic ulcers, H.Pylori, and other common gastrointestinal issues. I was diagnosed with H. Pylori three times in the course of two years. My mother and grandfather suffered from gastrointestinal problems their entire life.

For those who have had to cope with similar issues, you know how difficult it can be, especially when dealing with side effects of the standard cure prescribed by your doctor. Whether H. Pylori has caused enough damage to create open soars in the stomach or not. The third time I noticed the same symptoms reappear, I knew exactly how to tackle the issue and what to do to reverse the “dis-ease,” which I want to share with you in this post.

Causes – A Holistic & Yogic Perspective

digestive disorders

Manipura Chakra- Solar Plexus, Element: Fire

The first time I was diagnosed with H.Pylori was when I suffered from excessive worry and stress due to external circumstances that I had no power over. I always get that gut feeling when something is about to go wrong. They say that we have more than one brain, and one of them appears to be our gut.

You know, that gut feeling people often talk about. And this time, my intuition was screaming! But I had no control over what was about to unfold because I was traveling. I couldn’t prevent anything from happening and couldn’t control anything while traveling. On my way to Mount Qincheng, I was in Sichuan province, in China, the birthplace of Taoism bordering Tibet.

I couldn’t eat or drink while traveling sick. I was hiking, exploring a foreign and remote place with nothing but a water bottle in my backpack. Somehow I found all the energy and strength I needed anyway. The fresh air, excitement, curiosity, and the beautiful landscape with picturesque temples of such remote and ancient places in China were more than enough to help me going.

The reason why I’m bringing up my emotional and mental state is because when we get sick or experience a ‘dis-ease’ in the physical body, it is not entirely physical, and we should not treat it as such. I feel that we have to have a wider and more holistic approach when considering the source of any illness, so that we understand how to prevent it from worsening or from reoccurring.

Personal Power

The second time I was diagnosed with a Duodenal ulcer was during a very similar time in my life. I felt powerless because I had given my power away to external circumstances and other people. Similar feelings of frustration and a lack of self-autonomy was something I was struggling with because I wasn’t able to stay present in the moment and seek that balance from within. I remember, I kept wishing I had done something different, and I had convinced myself there was no other way, or a solution to the problem. In short, I was giving in to many fear based energies.

I actually lacked the skills or tools to stay more open-minded and focus on the solution rather than the problem itself. Another reminder of where the imbalance stemmed from and how it correlates to the solar plexus chakra, the center of personal power and happiness in the yogic philosophy. This chakra is associated with self-esteem, reclaiming your power, and taking responsibility for one’s life. Self-assurance, discipline, confidence, and independence are other qualities we exhibit when this chakra is balanced.

Anti-Inflammatory Drugs

Another reason why I had gotten sick was because I was consuming too many anti-inflammatory drugs at the time, like Advil, aspirin, etc., which are known to irritate your stomach’s lining. Keep that in mind and use them only as a last resort, especially when susceptive to common digestive disorders. There are other natural and holistic resources that can help with pain, such as herbs or essential oils, etc.

I was sick in bed for almost two months. I stopped going to work because I couldn’t do anything but lay in bed all day. The standard treatments did not work. I must have gone to the doctor a gazillion times. I was tested to see if I was allergic to certain antibiotics and other drugs and they changed my prescription three times.

The side effects were horrible, and I couldn’t stand it anymore. So one night, I finally chose to take matters into my own hands. I said to myself; enough is enough! I will take full responsibility for what’s happening and heal myself. I knew I could do so, mainly because the standard treatment was causing more harm than good. So, I stopped taking the prescription drugs and dumped them in the trash.

Olive Oil

digestive disorders

So I stayed up all night reading about digestive disorders and H.Pylori, and I believe that same morning, I must have learned more about this bacteria than any doctor I had met before. I read research papers from Universities around the world, and numerous opinions when it came to this bacteria alone. Some researchers argued that this bacteria coexisted with humans since ancient times, and under ideal conditions, it excessively grows when fighting uncontrolled amounts of acidity in the body. So it acts more as a self-defense mechanism instead.

Despite all contrary opinions, I learned about free-radicals and the importance of measuring alkalinity and acidity in the body. Then I came across a very interesting paper written by a study and experiment conducted by a University in South America regarding a very simple cure to digestive disorders, especially in regards to H. Pylori.

Olive oil! Being that I’m 100% Mediterranean, I didn’t even blink before I ran to the kitchen and took two tablespoons full of olive oil. I couldn’t believe it—the instant relief. Although I had just started taking it, I felt an instant comforting & soothing effect in my stomach. How simple! Of course, I had to take it for a few days to see real results, but it worked! Olive oil is rich in anti-oxidants and is predominant in fatty acids called oleic acid. Studies suggest that oleic acid reduces inflammation and may even benefit genes linked to cancer!

Mourning Routine

Here’s what I did. Every morning and every evening, I took about two tablespoons full of olive oil on an empty stomach. Sometimes I added a little bit of Siberian pine-nut oil since it’s known for its potency in anti-oxidants. But if you are giving this a shot, stick with olive oil first and see the results for yourself.


I went on a specific diet to avoid foods that were high in acidity and researched ways to increase alkalinity in my body, by avoiding certain foods and drinks, and choosing others instead. Because I love food, I wasn’t strictly juicing or anything like that. I still ate fruits, my favorite salads, and my usual carbs now and then by being more selective. I’m not a big fan of red meat, so that wasn’t a problem for me, but I do eat white meat every so often. I stayed away from meat in general during that time, and I suggest you do the same if you have chronic digestive disorders. Slowly, but surely I healed!

The third time I began to notice the symptoms that had already become so familiar, I knew exactly how to reverse it and stop it there and then.

Yoga & Meditation

helicobacter pylori

In addition to olive oil and a simple but healthy diet, I knew I had to include a light workout regime to help accelerate the healing process. Mostly because I was not active for almost two months. Yoga & meditation was a must at this point.

So I took out my yoga bible, “Light on Yoga,” by B. K. S. Iyengar, and started including a 20-minute practice that targeted digestive issues and any stomach-related issues. Most of the poses were backbends, twists, and core related poses. I practiced yoga as soon as I’d wake up after ingesting olive oil on an empty stomach.

As I did more research, I practiced poses that would benefit my third chakra, the solar plexus. Directly effecting any digestive disorders. At first, I felt weak, and I was sweating many toxins. Then I included a strict 15 min daily mediation to find more balance in the mental & emotional space. Every day I grew stronger with the combination of all the things I have mentioned above.

Eventually, I restored my body to ultimate health and well-being. I was able to heal within one week! While, on the other hand, using only a western approach with the standard treatment resulted in staying sick in bed for two months. Not to mention all the horrible side effects. Remember that wellness is more than just physical health. It includes at least six dimensions, which are:

  • Physical: A healthy body through exercise, nutrition, sleep, etc.Mental: Engagement with the world through learning, problem-solving, creativity, etc.
  • Emotional: Being in touch with, aware of, accepting of, and able to express one’s feelings
  • Spiritual: Our search for meaning and purpose in human existence.
  • Social: Connecting with, interacting with, and contributing to other people and our communities.
  • Environmental: A healthy physical environment free of hazards; awareness of the role we play in bettering rather than denigrating the natural environment.

If you struggle with your health and overall well-being, and would like a holistic counseling session, you can do so through clicking the link here!


Jetona Andoni

Jetona Andoni

Words feed my soul, ground my spirit, and elevate me all at the same time.