The Compelling Transition Into the Age of Aquarius | Part 1

Age of Aquarius

We are currently in a transitional phase between the Piscean age and the much-heralded age of Aquarius. Although Aquarian themes and ideals have always been a part of the human collective consciousness and have left their marks, big and small, throughout the histories of civilizations, both largely remembered and mostly forgotten, they are well-known for having come to the forefront of our attention during the time of the counter-culture movements of the 1960s and 1970s. Since that time, the arrival of the age of Aquarius has widely been eagerly anticipated and viewed as a beacon of hope for humanity, a radiant lighthouse on a distant shore, holding a promise of refuge from the turbulent and relentless Piscean seas—a foundation of solid land on which to build a better world.

Religion and Materialist Scientism vs. Age of Aquarius

Each age holds a dynamic of contrast with its opposing sign. For Pisces, its opposite sign is Virgo. Logic and science are aspects of Virgo, as opposed to emotion and faith, which are aspects of Pisces. During the preceding age of Aries, polytheistic religious beliefs were widespread, although monotheism did exist, one example being Judaism. In the age of Pisces, the other two Abrahamic religions (Christianity and Islam) emerged. Perhaps the major turning point was in the fourth century CE when Rome converted to Christianity. Islam then emerged in the 7th century CE. Monotheistic, Abrahamic religions became the prevailing belief systems throughout Europe and the Middle East. Rational thought and science were often forcibly suppressed but grew against much resistance in the Middle Ages and beyond to really come to prominence in the later part of the 19th century and, through the 20th century, to ironically become plagued with dogma just like religion.

The age of Pisces has been an age of dogma, both religious and scientific. What polytheism and monotheism have in common is the belief that divinity is something outside of humanity and creation, whether this idea takes the form of multiple gods or a single creator, perceived as distinct, separate, and higher than their creation(s). The main dogmas that overtook science are materialism and atheism, the beliefs that there is nothing beyond the material world, no divine order, the universe is random, and consciousness is only a byproduct of chemical processes and electrical signals in the brain. Science has largely become “scientism,” rejecting the spiritual and proposing that truth can only be found through science, specifically materialistic/atheistic science. Monotheistic religion believes that divinity is something outside of ourselves, and materialist scientism doesn’t believe in divinity at all. Both of these belief systems are untrue and inherently disempowering. Both lend themselves to authoritarianism and do not provide a proper foundation on which to build an ideal, ethical society.

I do not believe that Jesus, arguably an avatar for positive Piscean traits, claimed himself to be the one and only “son of God.” I believe that this notion was implied after the fact by the elite and that Jesus wished to teach people that we are all sons and daughters of “God” and that we are all divine. What the elite controllers cannot eradicate, the co-opt. This was done to the teachings of Jesus by the Roman Empire and others, creating the Christian religion we know today.

The Occultocracy: Illusion and Deception vs. The Age of Aquarius

Age of pisces

Secrets, illusion, and deception are more traits associated with the Age of Pisces, and they accurately reflect a very big, long-term problem with human society that is not unique to this age but has been going on much longer. The awareness of this issue among the general population does, however, seem to now be at the forefront of the human collective consciousness at an unprecedented level, particularly since the counter-culture movements and strong emergence of Aquarian ideals in the 1960s and 1970s. I’m referring to something that doesn’t bear much explaining to most people who consider themselves spiritual seekers. The fact of the matter is that most of the material wealth and influence on Earth is concentrated in the hands of very few. Once, it was priesthoods and royalty. Now, it is governments, corporations, rich oligarchs, political lobbyist groups, and military industry.

Although those are the obviously perceptible sources of power in today’s global society, behind the scenes, it is a largely invisible occultocracy that controls those institutions. This is how it’s been for thousands of years. Predatory instincts and ideologies combined with extensive occult knowledge related to spirituality and human psychology have allowed the control of the many by the few. Although many things have changed on the surface level of human society, especially since the 20th century, the biggest issues at a core level have remained the same, thus the slowness and repetition of history inherent to the Piscean age. Despite extreme and rapid advancements in technology, transportation, medicine, communication, and other areas, the core human experience remains largely the same.

There are still seemingly endless wars over money, politics, and religion. There is still widespread poverty. Self-actualization and freedom are still hard-won in the face of the “daily grind.” Even the idealistic and humanitarian sentiments of the Piscean age and pushes for human rights have mostly only changed things on a surface level. There is now, evident, a technological level to this suppression as well. The suppression and confiscation of Nikola Tesla’s work is one such example. The lies and secrecy concerning the UFO phenomenon is another. The elite controllers do not want free energy. They do not want poverty to be eradicated. They do not want occult knowledge to be widespread and accessible. Such knowledge was once persecuted with violence. In the present, it has largely become a war of information, fought by the elite with social engineering, distractions, and ridicule. Monotheistic religions and material scientism, as well as the surface-level struggle between them, have been very helpful tools to keep humanity confused and disempowered.

Escapism: Maladaptation of Idealism in the Face of Limitation

Age of aquarius

Life in the age of Pisces can feel like being in the depths of the ocean, with massive pressures compressing us and the resistant medium of our environments, slowing our movements towards progress on individual and collective levels. With so much disinformation and confusion, it can be difficult to see very far in front of us. Spiritual seekers are often encouraged to “go with the flow” to follow the “path of least resistance.” While there is some helpful, situational truth to these notions, I have observed that finding freedom, fulfillment, and self-actualization in this world often requires some amount of swimming against the current. There is an inherent resistance from societal norms and structures that must be overcome. For many people, not thinking outside the box and going against the grain results in a very limited level of awareness and a very limited life experience. So many people live their entire lives believing the same religions (or atheistic) dogmas, voting for the same corrupt political parties while believing them to be truly helpful to society, buying the same brands of poorly made and unhealthy products, engaging in the same routines of work-debt slavery, and prioritizing the same shallow and materialistic pursuits that the system encourages them to.

Spiritually oriented, idealistic, creative, intellectually and emotionally intelligent people often tend to feel out of place and suffocated by the limitations of society. That has been a big part of my own experiences, and I’m still working on how best to address those issues. Idealism in the face of such compression and limitation can lead to two things: introspection, which can be helpful, and escapism, which is decidedly not. Escapism can take many forms. It could be addictions and other bad habits or living in one’s fantasies. Living too much in one’s fantasies and delusions can engender anti-social and narcissistic personality traits, even in good people. On my spiritual journey, I have observed a few main forms of escapism among spiritual seekers.

One would be an obsession with an otherworldly identity and past lives, using a remembered or fabricated name from a possible off-world incarnation and living as that pieced-together identity construct without really integrating it into the current identity. Another would be waiting for a savior, whether it’s ETs or “ascended masters” or a huge societal shift, before one is willing to put in effort towards personal fulfillment and self-actualization. Perhaps the most covert form of spiritual escapism, and maybe the most damaging, is hardcore asceticism and the “boot camp Earth” theory. Some people may decide that nothing on Earth matters. It’s all an illusion, and the way to enlightenment means giving up all worldly attachments and the pursuit of happiness within this physical lifetime on Earth.

People on such a bent might even go as far as to say that the world does not, in fact, need to change, because its main purpose is to cause souls to suffer tremendously, and that suffering will lead to soul growth. How very Piscean an idea, as if our Earthly lives are but fodder to be sacrificed for a spiritual rat race. Behind the sophistry, this kind of “radical acceptance” is actually another form of escapism, an attempted bypassing of personal desires and the call for us to work towards making the world a better place. The elite controllers would be quite content for people to give up on the prospect of a better world and even thank them for the harsh circumstances here. The truth is that some adversity helps us grow, but too much can keep us stuck or even create backward progress. We are eternal souls. We don’t need to put ourselves through hell in the name of spiritual evolution. There is no rush. No ultimate destination but the journey itself.

Introspection: Virtue of Pisces | Transition Into the Age of Aquarius

age of aquarius

Another consequence of intelligence and idealism confronted with compression and limitation is introspection. We are pushed to look inward, and this is, in and of itself, a good thing. We come to know ourselves better and do helpful inner work such as shadow integration. We get in touch with our deepest desires and most steadfast ideas. We philosophize deeply about life. From such introspection has come so much beauty. So much creative and philosophical genius. We can see the depth of character of the human spirit in art, music, and other forms of creative expression. Imagination is a strong attribute of the age of Pisces. Our highest ideals, our utopia, are in our imaginations. I personally see a lot of that in some Sci-Fi TV shows of the 1990s, Babylon 5 and Star Trek Voyager in particular.

Idealism is something the age of Pisces and the age of Aquarius have in common. In the age of Pisces, it manifested mostly in introspective and imaginative ways, in thought and creative expression, although there were and are strong movements for human rights. With the transition to the age of Aquarius, we have an opportunity to actually manifest our ideals as core aspects of the human experience and transform our society into the utopia that is within our hearts.

Garret Sinisi

The journey is the destination.