The Laws of Attraction Are Bond

laws of attraction

As above, so below. Attraction is defined as a force in which, under the influence of objects, tend to move towards each other. What is attracted depends on the “force” used to attract the other object. There are seven laws of attraction and twelve base guidelines, some of which overlap and intertwine. The laws of attraction are binding and immutable.

The first of the twelve guidelines regarding the laws of attraction is the law of manifestation. It is a simple concept that implies that you must first be conscious of controlling what you’re attracting. Conscious of your being, your surroundings, and what it is that you would like to attract. Like in many areas of self-development, the first step is to become aware.

Next is the law of frequency. This universal law has to do with all atoms being bound by vibration. Humans physically vibrate at a frequency of 532 Hz. Ideally, conscious individuals vibrate at 432 Hz spiritually. To attract what you want from the universe, you must get in harmony with its natural vibration. Much like DC currents can’t move where AC currents do, the positive happenings and energies you wish to attract can’t move where their frequency doesn’t align with the frequency they are to be received.

The law of desire takes the third slot. This applies to the act of focusing on and manifesting your desires and paying attention to what you desire. Is what you desire a match with your long-term goals, or is it a means for short-term gratification? Are your desires beneficial to your long-term path and divine purpose? Desires we give into that aren’t aligned with our path and purpose will cause more grief than pleasure and more heartache than healing in the long run. That bit of information goes hand-in-hand with the fourth law: The law of paradoxical intent.

laws of attraction

The law of paradoxical intent is all about balance and order. All things within the universe balance and feed off each other. If you put bad energies and negative actions into the universe, the good and positive counterparts will balance themselves elsewhere. Suppose you are providing good actions and maintaining a positive vibration. In that case, you will receive a matched amount of good energy and happenings. The negative counterparts of your positive energies and vibrations will be balanced elsewhere. 

Next comes the law of harmony, and it is essential. It is a law of connection and synchronicity. Before attracting what you desire, you must be in tune with the universe and your place within the spiral of life and existence. Trying to attract something you are not in sync with is comparable to an orchestra member being the only person playing out of tune. Not only does this allow you to be singled out for being out of place, but it also throws off the timing and rhythm of everything and everyone else around you.

Sixth is the law of right action. It relates, for the most part, to how you treat others. Everyone, every living thing, and every energy you interact with is a reflection of yourself. You can’t attract good, positive happenings and interactions while treating people poorly or acting in a way that goes against the divine vibration or plan. Doing so results in complete contradiction.

Lastly, we have the law of expanding influence. This, in a nutshell, is the concept that the more you practice and observe these laws of attraction, the greater your influence and impact will be on the world around you. Once you set the gears on what you attract in motion, they will run like a well-oiled machine, pulling in the conscious and unconscious, the willing and the unwilling. A total snowball effect. Similarly to how the moon stays within Earth’s orbit by force, your frequency, vibration, and energy will hold people, ideas, and concepts captive around you. It is up to you to decide what you do with this power once the will of the universe becomes centric around you.

laws of attraction

Some of the twelve guidelines run hand in hand with the laws of attraction. These are considered the guidelines of manifestation. The difference is that the laws of attraction are immutable, and the laws are there to help maintain focus and bearing on how and what you attract and manifest. Understanding is the key to this wisdom.

•1- Divine Oneness– Everything is a part of the same divine spiral. As someone very important to me once explained, it’s not a divine circle. A circle is a trap, a loop, forever binding you into that cycle. A spiral is a tool, forever ascending or descending, depending on the stimuli that enter the spiral. All things, including atoms and spirits, are connected. They can either feed off or consume one another.

•2- Vibration– Everything is in constant motion. Motion emits energy and frequency. Per the second law of attraction, our lived experience within the matrix is based on the frequency and speed of our atoms and spirit. High vibration and frequency can’t exist or tune right where low frequency exists. A lot of times, low frequencies will consume or diminish higher energies. This is where we get the term “energy vampire.”

•3- Correspondence– All patterns repeat. Either positively or negatively. This could be the patterns of universal connection and law or right and wrong action and personal behavior. The universe and the gods came from inner space to manifest in outer space. The being inside the vessel manifests the vessel and the reality around it. It goes back to “as above, so below.” Whatever exists and inhabits inner space controls and creates outer space. Once you awaken the being of inner space, you realize that you are no longer just a shell because you are, in fact, a true being. This understanding is where the power to heal sickness and manifest your desire officially begins.

•4- Attraction– Being the main subject, this goes without much explanation. You get what you focus on and put your energy into. What goes around comes back around.

•5- Inspired Action– You must take real steps to change the way you see the world and follow these laws and guidelines for them to be effective. This is comparable to a Christian who goes to church on Sundays and maybe even Wednesdays but puts no good deeds or spiritual work in the rest of the time. A person who believes in these laws but does not apply them will not bear fruits for their efforts.

•6- Perpetual Transmutation of Energy– Everything is in a constant state of evolution or reverse evolution. All matter, DNA, spirit, and consciousness are either ascending or descending, depending on the environment work put into the particular subject matter. There is no baseline. You will rise or fall based on your work. It is also sometimes an illusion. In the matrix, it seems that some rise by sin and others by virtue fall, but if you see it that way, it’s a sign that you should check what you desire. Aspirations and desires of the flesh should reflect the spirit. If gold and possessions are your ultimate pinnacle, what does that reflect from your inner space?

•7- Cause and effect– The correlation between actions and events is a binding concept. The effect isn’t always immediate, but once the action is committed, the effect of that action will follow at some point. If you notice that the things going on around you aren’t up to your standard or are just out right out of line with your vision, try to find the relation between the effect and the action that caused it so you can change the trajectory of your path, by controlling the outcome through controlling the action.

laws of attraction

•8-Compensation– This concept goes hand-in-hand with cause and effect. You are going to reap what you sow. No detour or way around it. Your harvest will be based on the seeds you plant and the nourishment you provide them. It goes both ways. If you plant tainted seeds and don’t weed the garden that is your being, pretty soon, you will have poison ivy everywhere.

•9- Relativity– As humans living in a world of duality, we tend to compare or label things to bring them into our realm of understanding. For example, saying something is either clean or dirty, right or wrong, etc. If we constantly compare things, such as our living conditions to someone of greater financial means, we miss the opportunity to be grateful for all we have. Having gratitude bestows greater and more immense blessings upon each of us. Try to focus on all the things you do have instead of what you don’t. Try to focus on what you’re doing and not on what you have done or wish you had done. Alter your perception in such a way and watch the prospects change around you.

•10- Polarity– Much like relativity, this idea leads to the understanding that every idea, concept, feeling, or action has a polar opposite. IE: good vs. evil, up vs. down, etc. We like to get caught up in attaching our ideas and views to such things when really they are just two sides of a single coin and are symbiotic to the nature of balance and order. Light and dark, good and evil, and love and hate are examples of two halves of one whole that balances itself. The question isn’t which is right or wrong, as it pertains to perception; instead, ask yourself which side of the coin do you personally want to be on to nourish your individual path.

•11- Rhythm– Find your harmony. We all cycle and have seasons. No person, no matter how conscious or in any other state of mind, will be in a perfect mental and spiritual state at all times. The key is finding a balance in your cycle and learning to cope and prepare for the down season but learning to act and seize the opportunity in the up season.

•12- Gender– In this guideline gender doesn’t refer to anatomy. It’s the understanding that the divine masculine and divine feminine exist within every living creature and force. Finding synchronicity and balance between emotional and logical states of mind is critical in developing manifestation and consciousness. You can’t manifest without a logical process, and none of this is possible without love which is the primary building block of consciousness. As the balance is so vital in many of these laws and guidelines, you can’t balance the outer universe if the inner universe isn’t in a feminine/masculine alignment.

In closing, the world is what you make it individually. It will become what we make together as a collective consciousness. If, in the short term, you want to change your situation or, in the long term, want to change the world for future generations and your children, use these guidelines to manifest the best reality possible. Conscious or aware of it or not, you are manifesting, even as you read. The question you have to ask is: what do you want to be responsible for? The laws of attraction are bond.

Eric Burgess

If you breath it, then you be it.