Twin Flames, Shocking Truths You Must Know!

twin flames

A Higher Purpose

Before I start writing about twin flames, I’d like to say that this is all based on my experience and understanding of what twin flames are. Each of us will have a different perspective around it, and there is no right or wrong answer. It’s good to be open and learn from each other’s perspectives, and my experience or understanding of the twin flame journey may not fully resonate with yours, so don’t force it to fit.

I want to begin by saying that twin flames are real. This journey may be beautiful and wonderful at first and for some, but that is not the case for everybody. Most people I know and came across who have gone through a twin flame journey have one thing in common. It was painful beyond doubt, but it served a purpose.

And that is the most important thing to keep in mind if you feel that you are on a twin flame journey. The purpose of this connection is a gift from the divine. It is meant to help us awaken to who we truly are, open our hearts and shed all those layers we like to cloak ourselves with from fear.

Twin flames are meant to enter our lives so that they can open our hearts, heal the wounds that we carry from childhood, and help us evolve on a spiritual journey beyond the sky. They mirror our wounds that we never healed from traumas and events that took place, especially regarding our understanding of love through the relationships we had with our caretakers.

Doorway To Personal Power

twin flame journey

If there is one thing that we should be grateful for when surrendering to the twin flame journey, is it opens the doors to personal power. It’s supposed to remind us that we don’t have to look at the world through the filter of poor me, little me, I’m insignificant and weak perception of self. This journey is meant to connect us with a higher guidance. Wake up to the greatness and power and more spiritually connected version of ourselves that lies within each of us.

twin flame separation

The twin flame journey may not be all butterflies and unicorns, but it is certainly a gift no matter the outcome of the connection. Looking back at who I used to be prior to my twin flame journey, I am thankful that I chose to surrender and face my trues self, or walk the underworld in more mystical terms. Walking the underworld and facing your subconscious conditioning is a journey spoken of in many myths and stories of our past.

These are all metaphors of our path to personal power. Before we recognize who we truly are, undoubtedly, we must understand what we aren’t. We need the contrast in this dualistic world in order to see the truth of who and what we are. The main purpose of this journey is to integrate the shadow, as Carl Jung speaks of in many of his teachings.

The shadow material is pretty much the underworld, the darkest recesses of our minds, where we repress many traits, wounds, and forgotten experiences—the subconscious.

Twin Flame Union

elevate consciousness

So here comes the big question. Is there such thing as twin flame union, and is it destined to last forever, even when in union? What is the gist of all this? I know of and have seen people in union. Just because you and I may not have experienced it does not make it false for other people. You see, often, we want a straight yes or no, or a straight path to reach certain things in life, but nothing is black and white in this world.

Personally, I know of twin flames in union with a mission to help elevate the world, the frequency of all beings so that we all evolve to higher states of consciousness and live more consciously with each other and mother nature. But because you did not experience this, you cannot say that it isn’t true for others.

Either way, the point is that some people may evolve together, and some people may evolve apart. It isn’t written in stone that you should be together with your twin because if you aren’t, then you are destined for an average life with no real love, spark or passion. This is all false, and please let go of this limiting belief if you realize that you have been influenced to believe this way. This kind of thinking is detrimental to your path and based on a scarcity mindset or consciousness of lack.

Also, from personal experience, I’ve had more than one twin flame enter my life at different stages throughout my spiritual journey, helping play as a mirror to understand more of myself and what I still needed to let go of to elevate in consciousness. And I am not the first person to have spoken of having more than one twin flame. I know this to be true because I experienced it.



All those who are on a twin flame journey that go through the integration process, who awaken to their shadow material, dismantling the ego, and establishing a higher connection with source are part of the 144,000 spoken in the bible.

Some call it a frequency, some may refer to it as something else. Essentially it’s about those who have awakened from the dream of the ego. I had direct experience of this through synchronicities when I went through my own spiritual awakening. And those who have truly awakened will tell you the same. Spirit, higher source, will always speak to you through synchronicities, so learn to recognize them more and more if you can.

Whether you will unite with your twin flame or not is not the most important thing for your journey right now. The most important thing is that you continue to evolve and elevate in consciousness through this journey, although it may be painful. I know the pain you experience. It is like dying to the old self but only to be reborn again, just like the totem of the Phoenix that rises from its own ashes.

The universe is abundant, and two years from now, you may even change the way you look at your twin currently, so try your best to keep an open mind and focus on your healing. There are many awakened souls who are compatible to serve together and be in more conscious relationships.

You may not have all the answers right now, and not all twin flames are meant to be in union or even be romantic in nature. I know people that had parental figures or friends and business partners who were their twin flame, so it’s not so simple when it comes to these matters. Nonetheless, the only truth that matters is that you awaken to who you truly are and live a heart-based life so that you can help and serve others in better ways. And remember all that you want is possible as long as you believe in it.

Jetona Andoni

Words feed my soul, ground my spirit, and elevate me all at the same time.