10 Remarkable Quotes From A Taoist Ancient Text- “The Secret of The Golden Flower”

Through the combined efforts of Wilhelm and Jung we have for the first time a way of understanding and appreciating Eastern wisdom which satisfies all sides of our minds. It has been taken out of metaphysics and placed in psychological experience. The Secret of The Golden Flower, a Taoist ancient text is the secret of the powers of growth latent in the psyche... Cary F. Baynes

The psyche and the cosmos are to each other like the inner world and the outer world. Therefore man participates by nature in all cosmic events, and is inwardly as well as outwardly interwoven with them… Richard Wilhelm.


1. “When the light is made to move in a circle, all the energies of heaven and earth, of the light and the dark, are crystallized”.

ancient taoist text

2. “Only the primal spirit and the true nature overcome time and space. When students understand how to grasp the primal spirit they overcome the polar opposites of light and darkness and tarry no longer in the three worlds (Heaven, Earth, Hell)”.

taoism quotes

3. “When men are set free from the womb, the primal spirit dwells in the square inch (between the eyes), but the conscious spirit dwells below in the heart. This heart is depended on the outside world. If a man does not eat for one day even, it feels extremely uncomfortable. If it hears something terrifying it throbs; if it hears something enraging it stops; if it is faced with death it becomes sad; if it sees something beautiful it is dazzled. But the heavenly heart in the head, when would it have moved in the least”?

Ancient Taoist Text
the secret of the golden flower

4. “If breathing is light, the heart is light, for every movement of breath-energy affects the heart”.

quotes taoist

5. “Things by which other men are displeased, when i meet them, cannot becloud the brightness of the seed of the spirit”.


6. “The great One is the term given to that which has nothing above it. The secret of the magic of life consists in using conscious action in order to attain unconscious non-action”.


7. “Highest good is like water, pure and spotless. It is the ruler of the great polarity, the god who appears in the trigram of shock, Chen”.

taoist ancient

8. “The ancients said, When ordinary occupation comes to us, we must understand them; when things come to us, we must understand them from the ground up. If the occupations are properly handled by correct thoughts, the light is not scattered by outside things, but circulates according to its own law”.

Ancient Taoist Text
taoist text

9. “Four words crystallize the spirit in the space of energy. In the sixth month white snow is suddenly seen to fly. At the third watch the sun’s disk sends out blinding rays. In the water blows the wind of the Gentle. Wandering in heaven, one eats the spirit-energy of the Receptive. And the still deeper secret of the secret: The land that is nowhere, that is the true home…”

taoist ancient text

10. “All sensuous desires and impulses of anger are effects of the anima; it is the conscious spirit which after death is nourished on blood, but which during life, is in greatest distress”.

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Jetona Andoni

Jetona Andoni

Words feed my soul, ground my spirit, and elevate me all at the same time.