Ego-Driven Ethics & Fraudulent Activists | The Ultimate Falsity of Righteousness


As in all things in the phenomenal Universe we are a part of, there is a constant strive for harmony and balance. We find this to be true even in scientific laws where everything strives for the lowest energy possible. And this does not exclude the balancing or rebalancing of powers within the collective and the individual which does not involve activism or the illusory mentality of activists. The governing power of how things generally evolve in our world is politics. The general definition of political power is the ability to influence the behavior of people and resources, functions, and the culture of society either through authority, persuasion, or coercion. We are coming to a point in history where the world is realizing that we don’t need a hegemon anymore, or at least considering moving in that direction, which includes a revision of foreign policy as well. But this is not only a political shift taking place but an indication of a spiritual or ethical evolutionary design. In the 19th century, after the fall of Napoleon, we had what was called the Concert of Nations, where five or six major powers were trying to keep a balance between them by preventing major wars until the total collapse of the system in July 1914. Europe was then the dominant power until after the US involvement at the end of WWII, with the United States’ rise in economic power and manufacturing of produced goods.

The world, along with our own existence, is constantly shifting in cycles and moving through periods of transition. These phases of change, inherent in the ever-evolving nature of reality, cannot be tamed nor suppressed, as they are an intrinsic part of our dynamic existence. The more we resist cycles of change, the more destructive we become. When it comes to power, as the world shifts, which begins with the individual or in the mind of the individual, it evolves because there is a redefining of the concept of power. Redefining our concept of power and a greater understanding of personal power will automatically shift and widen our perspective, our individual roles within society, and the way we engage with the external world regarding this power.

This requires more than contemplating different points of view or diverse sides of the political spectrum. This requires consciously experiencing both those views or different sides of politics. Psychologically, this comes down to the process of self-realization. When we self-realize, we have a broader perspective on all things, and mind and heart coherence is the natural outcome as we awaken to who we are, aspects of ourselves that we have repressed and gone selectively unconscious to. This is the process of making the unconscious conscious on the level of the psyche as well as the body, our nervous system, and our emotions because both body and psyche are deeply interlinked. The ego is the true cause of all problems we see rise in our world because the ego has tunnel vision on all matters in life and walks with its own story, no matter how evident the true cause of our problems is. This is regarding all problems, including political power.


Fraudulent Artists & Outdated Propaganda

There are people in this world who will easily flaunt their flag as a symbol of personal power because they lack self-understanding. Such actions can be seen as the epitome of cowardice, driven entirely by ego and falsehood. With the best excuses and ego-driven ethics, one can lead aimlessly and cause more harm than ever. These individuals will portray themselves as artists despite lacking talent and not meeting the established criteria of artistic ability. They attain recognition through dishonest means and utilize the talent and success of others as a lever. As a former musician who has traveled the world, I have been surrounded by artists my entire life and know these circles well. With confidence, like many others, I can discern between authentic artists and those who are fraudulent, as there are plenty.

These individuals don’t know themselves or their true life’s purpose. Still, the primary goal is to make a name for themselves at any cost, maintaining a fabricated persona and identity built entirely on lies and disguised as altruism. I mean, everything they have claimed about themselves, including what they have done, is entirely fabricated, as their main objective is to build a reputation for themselves. These people often have trouble revealing their true given name, which is a direct indication of how severely disturbed they are. And this is because of their deep underlying issues and dishonest ways. They infiltrate different artistic circles and pursue people as pawns for power because they don’t know how to achieve it honestly or alone. These individuals will easily fool thousands of others by entangling them in their severe neuroticism with their biased thinking, much like a powder keg. They love ego-gratification because of their severely unconscious low self-esteem issues and target any topic that will draw attention to them publicly to propagate their unfounded ideas for what they claim is making a difference in the world, yet it lacks any substance or practical solutions whatsoever. They get caught in a whirlwind of activities with a false sense of self-importance and full of distorted perspectives.

They spread disinformation like wildfire and viruses in the minds of those around them by narrating and reinforcing the same old problematic paradigm, all driven by ego and self-serving motives, which comes from a deep sense of insignificance and irritability. These self-proclaimed “activists” make it seem like they truly want to help other people but, in reality, need the most help, and I mean serious mental assistance, without any exaggeration. As a holistic therapist, from a psychological stance, I have observed many people who put themselves in a position of power and leadership, starting from neighbors with their loving pets to actual artists and clients. There are unconscious individuals who persistently perpetuate a toxic environment and societal imbalance in numerous aspects, including politics and socio-economic matters, by merely acknowledging what is already known without offering any practical solution and carrying out outdated and often destructive acts as a form of rebellion.

Victimhood & Activists

These “activists,” not representative of all, are the true con artists who use the so-called weak and victimhood or victim consciousness to make a name for themselves. They will easily defend the so-called oppressed and are so delusional to think their presence is needed or as if they’re contributing to meaningful change, but in reality, the only thing they seek is a false sense of superiority and a boost for their ego. They are completely delusional and neurotic as they constantly strive to control the outer instead of the inner. They will often contradict themselves, not only in what they say but in their actions. These people will commit those very acts that they oppose and protest against in the dark, driven by their unresolved inner deceit.

Again, this is due to their lack of awareness and self-understanding and because of their egos that overcompensate for their unresolved inner wounds. They haven’t met themselves deeply or on a subconscious level, and for some, there isn’t much to meet with because of how shallow and superficial they truly are, not to mention their hidden personality disorders. They adopt extreme views in politics and other issues stemming from a profound lack of understanding, exposure to outdated and harmful propaganda, and a multitude of misconceptions. They have no problem supporting and advocating for political persecution like something out of a fascist or communist country. The less people are aware within the collective, the easier it is to blindly follow these distortions manifest through various and precarious systems or beliefs carried out by these fraudulent artists who pose as activists.

These are individuals who have no problem with hypocrisy; they have no issue flaunting their egos under the disguise of the savior with absolutely no substance in their actions and activism and without ever understanding the true history, the true needs of those people, and what needs to be done to cause a practical and positive change in the minds of those people. Before we can attend to others ‘ needs, we must meet our own unconscious needs, which is a deep and long process of self-discovery and awakened consciousness. The most genuine revolution is the quietest revolution, and it is done within our homes first as we surrender our stubbornness and acknowledge what lies beneath the masks we wear. As we learn to confront our own shadow and hidden aspects, our deepest fears, and subconscious conditioning, and as we constantly strive to change ourselves for the better. “If you want to change the world, start with yourself,” -Mahatma Gandhi.

fraudulent artist

The Crab Mentality & Psychology | Activists

These self-proclaimed “activists” are the people who will run as soon as you tell them that the real change they can make is having the courage to find practical solutions by engaging with the oppressor instead of the oppressed. If I truly want to help the oppressed, I have to get to know myself first and learn to reclaim my own power, understand what it means to hold this power from within, and from that foundation, help the weak exert or reclaim their own power rather than merely acknowledge their powerlessness. If I step in to acknowledge how powerless and oppressed you are, I will not contribute to any real change. If we tell the same old story over and over again, the Universe will continue to affirm that story. If I want to change or transcend reality, I have to affirm a new story, a new reality, by getting there from the inside out. If I affirm your weakness or your powerlessness, it will only make me feel noticed, and this is the ultimate fraudulent and selfish act. These so-called activists are the people who have no idea what real change entails. They are delusional about their grandiose acts and have mastered the art of illusion. 

In many cases, the art they flaunt with their online presence is not even their own creation. Take a close look at their true identity and exercise discernment, as frequently, it’s a veil of illusion to fool you into who they claim they are. While they waste their time in places where their presence holds little to no significance nor is needed because it does not contribute to anything, the true oppressor sits in their home, and the irony of it all is that they support the oppressor and their attrition warfare through their choice of vote in politics. They have a narrow perspective and lack the ability to see the truth of it all, but that doesn’t matter to them. What matters to them is their ego and how much they love to flaunt it under the disguise of altruism. It is best that you keep these individuals at a distance and as far as possible, both physically and energetically speaking. They are toxic and will gradually pull you into their own low vibrational social circles, including their neurotic and tumultuous state of being, hindering your path towards fulfilling your purpose and destiny. They exemplify what psychologists refer to as ‘The Crab Effect’ or ‘Crab Mentality.’ 

These individuals serve as agents of chaos and operate unconsciously, often interfering in your journey of personal growth and evolution, as that is the fundamental archetype through which they function in this reality. Remember, the devil lies in the details, and information will often be used against the masses to confuse people and conceal the truth. It will be disseminated by those who claim to speak against the oppressors but are actually agents of the oppressors themselves. And the sad part is that some don’t know it. As we awaken to who we truly are and raise our consciousness, the veil of illusion becomes thinner, and we can discern the truth from lies, whether it is coming from those who are unconscious and think they’re doing something right driven by ego or those who are in an actual position of leadership and are intentionally creating confusion for the masses through impersonation and with hidden agendas.


Co-dependency & Traumas | Fraudulent Activists

This is all coming from a co-dependent system of the weak needing the savior and the delusional ego saving the weak, while both the weak and the savior are refusing to help themselves in the first place. It’s equivalent to the blind leading the blind. The only real change comes from each of us and begins by transforming our inner selves first. How much healing have these so-called activists done on themselves? How much have they awakened to who they are and a wider and all-encompassing understanding and perspective of reality, including their individual roles within society? There is no outside savior. Changing from within is the only way to truly save ourselves and others. It is indispensable to recognize these fraudulent artists who pose as activists so you don’t fall prey to their bias and unfounded opinions or beliefs, regardless of how well-intentioned they may seem or how kind and altruistic they appear.

These activists and con artists will cloak their energy and impersonate others because they lack a cohesive identity due to their severe unconscious wounding and hidden personality disorders. However, they will still flaunt their altruism in front of the world. But when you use your wise discernment and look carefully into who they are, especially by examining their true nature, you can readily discern the phoniness beneath their facade and that their so-called altruism reeks of ego from thousands of miles away. When you interact with them on a personal level, you will soon realize just how severe their control issues are. The terms “control freak” and “arrogant” are truly an understatement. It’s so easy to follow or support con artists and people who claim to be activists today and who are delusional enough to put themselves in the position of a leader and who, for the majority of the time, are pathological liars, narcissistic, neurotic, sociopathic, schizophrenic, and completely unconscious. And don’t be too skeptical, as history has already proved this true. One delirious man drove the entire world into conflict in WWII, and it serves as a vivid reminder of the impact of individual actions on a global scale. Never underestimate the personality disorders of those who are annoyingly boastful with a savior complex because they do not know themselves.

The majority of the world is unconscious and hasn’t even taken the very first steps toward becoming conscious. This involves resolving one’s innermost wounds, the undoing of the ego, or the transcendence of the ego, the inner child with its unresolved traumas and unconscious dispositions and unmet needs that are constantly trying to be met by controlling the external. Whether through other people, our actions, and the different directions we choose in life. Carl Jung called the inner child the part of the psyche that longs for wholeness or completion. When we take the very first steps towards our inner healing, our perspectives begin to shift and widen as we have healed and changed from within. We take accountability for who we are and begin to see the world and the role that people play in their own lives differently. We become discerning and highly selective in the individuals we choose to associate with, whether it pertains to our social circle, political affiliations, romantic relationships, and so on. You can find more information about the inner child archetype in my book HOW TO GET ON THE GOOD SIDE OF LIFE, available on Amazon and Barnes & Noble.

Jetona Andoni

Words feed my soul, ground my spirit, and elevate me all at the same time.