High Clouds

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  • Post category:Poetry
  • Reading time:1 mins read
clouds poem

Puffy and cottony-white,
Remind me of those days
Where dazzling skies and golden light,
Made this little heart ignite
Thoughtful gestures, sweet and warm-hearted
Lovingly free to express,
Adoring thoughts and pure energy unguarded
While dreamy fluffy clouds highly regarded
Fast-moving like silvery sky dragons
Eager travelers of sublime realms
For ecstasy and sensual magic happens
In the eyes of a soul who imagines,
A multitude of realities in stillness and silence,
With a ripe and fiery passion,
Like the blooming of wild violets..
In the mid-May sky of true love’s aspirants

Jetona Andoni

Words feed my soul, ground my spirit, and elevate me all at the same time.