I am

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  • Post category:Poetry
  • Reading time:2 mins read

Bone-deep aches and tightness
Seeking uprightness and lightness
Tired of unresolved traumas and unanswered riddles
Looking down at my notebook for various scribbles
Revisiting the past, each structure one by one
Finding where these limiting beliefs had begun
Ringing in my ears as I’m shifting timelines
My core vibrational energy multiplied nine times
Learning emotion is simply energy in motion
Fear is a lie; I’m stepping toward it like the ocean
Feeling what needs to heal, grieving the old self, and transmuting
Integrating new frequencies as I begin spewing
Toxicity and outdated concepts that hold me back
From being that which I already am, in fact
A gift, loveable, worthy, already that which I seek
I’ve done more than enough, and I’m everything but weak
I am whole; I am right, I am compassionate, and exactly where I need to be
As I learn to live in each moment is the ultimate key

Jetona Andoni

Words feed my soul, ground my spirit, and elevate me all at the same time.